fixed rule

amber (she/her) to – 627 points –

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That's not Lisp...

(while (== x y)


No syntax, only parentheses

Hear me out: brainfuck, but with parentheses only.

>    )))
<    (((
+    ())
-    (()
.    ()(
,    )()
[    )((
]    ))(

Hello world example:


Ancient aliens meme with the caption "LIPS!!"

Python transpiler:

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Lipsfuck to brainfuck transpiler"""

from sys import stdin

OPS = {")))": '>', "(((": '<',
       "())": '+', "(()": '-',
       "()(": '.', ")()": ',',
       ")((": '[', "))(": ']'}

def main():
    """Obvious main procedure"""
    _d = ''.join(stdin.readlines()).rstrip('\n')
    for _op in [_d[x:x+3] for x in
                range(0, int(len(_d)), 3)]:
        print(OPS[_op], end='')

if __name__ == "__main__":

What kind of monster writes lisp with the closing bracket on its own line.