Are you going to try Meta's Threads? to – 260 points –

Will people here use/try Meta's #threads when available? Would love to know the reasons or if it would be just for fun/curiosity.

The amount of data collected is insane imo.


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Once hashtags (& maybe trends) get added, we will get a honeymoon phase, before it all gets bloated TF. Give it a few months and we will have Threads Stories, THCAST for long-form audio/podcasts (with AI transcription), e-commerce Thread Shops...

The classic enshittification story.

Yep. Looks like they made it to minimal-viable-product.

Now they're going to be in enticement mode, so everyone there's going to be nice, moderation's going to be better (not great, but less sucky), and they'll work to keep the riff-raff out.

Later comes the Extend-Extinguish part of the Three E's, the festooning with ads, the constant exhortations to upgrade to Premiumâ„¢, the sudden incompatibility with anything not Meta, and enough tracking to make Big Brother envious.

Agree with everything except the tracking; that's got to be built into it since day one, unless they didn't manage to hit their harvesting goals by the stated release date, which they want to hit in order to compete with twitter asap