4 Post – 220 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

And then the plan to force everyone to abandon Firefox whether they like it or not.

  1. Implement the misfeatures.
  2. Movie and music websites will be the first to announce requiring DRM to be able to watch movies or listen to tunes.
  3. The banks will be next. "For your safety, you must use an Official Approved Browser™ to be allowed access to your money!"
  4. Then ecommerce sites. "You must have DRM enabled to be allowed to buy anything."
  5. Then comes the social media sites. For your safety, of course...

At that point, the userbase of anything that's not Chrome or not DRM'd to death will be so eroded that virtually everyone else will abandon Firefox support, DRM will get enabled by default. Also, comes the lobbyists to Congress demanding changes to the DMCA to throw users in prison who dare to try to crack the DRM to block ads. "Ad-blocking is stealing!"

20 more...

Yep, the GQP is now in the final stages of terminal autocannibalism.

Pass the popcorn!!!

1 more...

Safe spaces for fascism. Spez let The_Donald and its imitators fester for years, thus turning Reddit into a de facto Nazi Bar. Thus years of harassing non-fascists & minorities, brigading, spouting bigotry, disinformation and toxicity while the admins yawned.

3 more...

Leopards ate tankies' faces!

Sartre said it...

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

She died? How could they tell?


Now that's just sad!

7 more...

Some of it is the Disneyfication that goes with the enshittification at the Old Place. In pursuit of the Holy IPO, they banned a lot of that stuff. Some for good reason (child porn, toxic disinformation...), and some for not so good reasons (banning or NSFW-ing weed subs.)

Also happened at Tumblr (which killed it) and Youtube, which makes it incredibly hard on content creators as they get strikes on their account at the drop of a hat for petty bullshit. When a business goes big, and the suit-and-tie caste hear the siren song of stock options, all of the sudden they'll start Big-Brothering everyone on the platform so some Wall Street boomer doesn't publicly lose his shit and cause the share prices to tank.

That, or it could be right-wing neo-nazi chuds from the detonating-craniums instance that are butthurt that nobody wants to federate with them.

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Think of this as an IQ test. Those that pass come here, those that fail get Zuck'd, Musk'd & Spez'd.

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I deleted my Twitter account when Elon reinstated Donald Trump's account - it was clear there was no saving that platform.

It's a Nazi bar now because the owner is a Nazi.

I still have my Reddit account, but it's becoming quickly like my Facebook account - I barely use it. In Facebook, it's to catch up with friends and family, and in Reddit, it's the more esoteric subs. But I feel dirty & gross every time I load up a page from those sites, so I don't unless I have to.

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Algorithm's designed to promote engagement. Getting angry groups screaming and trying to murder people counts as engagement.

As long as the screaming and arguing happens on their site and drives ad revenue, they don't care about the murdering part.

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Hell yeah! Punch all the Nazis!


7 more...

These days, the only people still using this debunked wolf talk are douchebros, chuds, & incels.

How does this not violate the First Amendment?

3 more...

All mushrooms are edible! Some only once...

Never underestimate the bandwidth of a truck full of flash drives. The latency's most annoying though.

She'll peel voters away from Trump, so I'm all for her running as a spoiler, obnoxious as she is. Assuming she peels votes from Trump, she said she won't do it if it helps Trump.

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The stoners on Reddit got screwed - many of the weed subs got the banhammer, and the rest got NSFW'd because spez wants Reddit as G-rated as Disney for the IPO.

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How much do you want to bet that something juicy is about to be leaked about say..... the soap opera involving Gaetz and Nestor?

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Yep Prigozhin was a monster. My only regret is that he and Putin didn't die together with their hands around each other's throats. And in other news, I think I'll have tacos for lunch from my favorite local hole-in-the-wall...

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Anyone who still supports Trump after all he did is a complete piece of shit of a human being.

His whole campaign is one big ratfuck.

Push celebrities, influencers, and businesses to create their own instances, outside of Meta.

If they just use a Threads account, then the Fediverse gets made irrelevant. Along come the Three E's, and Meta walls up the garden and starts putting billboards up everywhere.

Celebrities, influencers, & businesses need to know that they can now have a social media presence that they own, rather than rent, where they can make the rules for the communities they host. It's good for them in that it keeps their Fediverse presence theirs, they get to call the shots and choose how their instance is set up.

Because if enough people have a strong Fediverse presence outside of Threads land, it'll make it much harder for Meta to pull the plug.

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That's what happens when you hang out at a Nazi bar...

Musk is walking proof some people SHOULD be canceled!

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Ok, that's a little dark...

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When you're too crooked for Texas... Damn!

Climb the ladder, then take it away for the next person! Thanks, Ramasmarmy!

Wow, this guy's corked his asshole up so tight he has to shit out his mouth.

No wonder they picked him for Speaker!

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Union members for Trump... SLUGS FOR SALT!!! TUNA FOR SUSHI!!!

I love it when the MAGA trash eat each other!

Like so many Democratic Presidents, he was cockblocked by the GOP.

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The bible thumpers already don't like him simply because he's a Hindu.

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I always root for the bulls!

What else have we come to expect from Congressman Butthead? He'll be joined by Congressman Beavis (Gym Jordan) in 3...2...1...

I'm all for keeping him in there for longer, simply for the purpose of keeping him out of circulation. Doesn't hurt my feelings that he's going to be in his 60's before he gets out.

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Ah, let me guess, now Google's gonna get everyone and their sister to move all their content to apps...

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Yep. Another problem with allowing content to be spoon-fed to us by The Algorithm.

I'm guessing a few bits of flesh/goo got wedged in little nooks and crannies in the wreckage. Not very much...