rule to – 855 points –

according to @Custoslibera’s post


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Woke is an extremely useful term for identifying fascists, neo-fascists, christofascists, and their enablers and sympathizers. The moment you use the term "woke" unironically I know you're a fucking idiot.

Woke used to be a positive term. It referred to people who had their point of view expanded or changed so that they felt more awake than they had before.

Woke used to mean enlightenment.

It still means all that, conservatives are just anti-enlightenment.

The term originated from the black civil rights. It was originally used by Marcus Garvey, then again by black mine workers in 1940, and was generally meant to being aware of social and structural chains binding black people from freedom and equality.

Leave it to US right-wingers to coopt a black rights term to mean something they hate.

Edit: I originally had "If I remember correctly," at the beginning, but then I remembered I had an archive spanning the majority of human history at my fingertips and just looked it the fuck up.

Yes. I'm proud to say that I'm woke. I'm also proud to say that I'm a socialist. I don't give a flying fuck what a bunch of toothless, inbred yokels or their enablers think.

Woke used to mean aware of systemic mechanisms of privilege and oppression in society. I had to stop using it unironically because it turned into a white power derisive buzzword.

To be fair, it still refers to awareness and sympathy for those who suffer from systemic injustice. It's just wrong according to hate-driven pro-authoritarian movements to sympathize with outsiders.

Current use of woke as a term of contempt is an admission if bigotry.

I know what woke means. I call myself woke. I also call myself progressive and a socialist. The fact that they snear those words at us and use them to cause moral panic among the dumpth doesn't change that.