How to set up Immich from the files within nextcloud? to – 15 points –


so i have a nextcloud docker instance running and i want to set up immich aswell. But the photos are nested inside the nextcloud folder structure and are all owned by www-data user. What is the easiest way to get immich access to them without duplicating them with the proper permissions?

I want the files to exist once.


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Nextcloud doesn't like changes on disk in its own file structure, but you can mount "external storage" where Nextcloud is okay with changes and happily scans the location when you access it (a network share, or a local file path also works; SMB share will probably get you around the permissions problem though.)

Don't know about immich as I haven't used it, but you will probably have to decide on one of the two services to be "in charge" of the files, I think.

Yeah according to the other comments i'll go with immich as the main photo storage and just sync them over to nextcloud via external storage connection.
