4 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


This ticks all your boxes. It's really good.

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Slow and unreliable with sqlite, but rock solid and amazing with postgres.

Today, every document I receive goes into my duplex ADF scanner to scan to a network share which is monitored by Paperless. Documents there are ingested and pre-tagged, waiting for me to review them in the inbox. Unlike other posters here, I find the tagging process extremely fast and easy. Granted, I didn't have to bring in thousands of documents to begin with but started from a clean slate.

What's more, development is incredibly fast-moving and really useful features are added all the time.

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Hot sauces in YOUR area is an independent publication created and curated by Ethan Sholly. [...] draws inspiration from a number of sources including reddit's r/selfhosted subreddit, the Awesome-Selfhosted project on GitHub, and the #selfhosted/#homelab communities on Mastodon.

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This Week in Self-Hosted is sponsored by Tailscale, trusted by homelab hobbyists and 4,000+ companies. Check out how businesses use Tailscale to manage remote access to k8s and more.

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Love it. Thanks for bringing it up.

It's only fair.

Could you please elaborate how you do the honeypotting?

What a world it would be were that a possibility.

Sadly, I neither see a content creators' union on the horizon anytime soon, nor do I see individual creators die a martyr's death, financially speaking...

I've recently started using a Hetzner storage box for encrypted daily incremental backups and I'm very happy with it so far.

I have been researching the same question a few days ago and am currently running > badblocks -b 4096 -c 8 -svw /dev/sda on my old NAS drive. It makes a few passes writing the disk full of 0xaa and 0x55 and then reading it back. I have my disk in a USB2.0 SATA adapter on a raspberry pi 3 and it's currently at 70% of pass #2 after 100 hours, so it sure is slow, but I don't mind.

The killer feature for me is my networked scanner scanning directly to the paperless consume samba share and the documents just popping up in the inbox fully OCRd and pre-categorised. Pretty magical.

NB, the docs make it sound like a proper DB is optional, but it's really not. Performance was iffy for me with sqlite but is rock solid with Postgres.

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You should start training in secret immediately! Stages are easy enough to come by once you're ready.

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Storage box is self-serviced storage on a single server, as far as I'm aware. If you need replication, you need to rent storage at a second location and do it yourself.

So I had a very nasty behaviour of my exchange work calendar which I synced into my Nextcloud calendar, and it would automatically cancel and recreate all events, which would resend invitations to attendees. It was very unprofessional, to say the least.

After months of this, I finally figured out that the culprit was the calendar auto-backup in the Android Nextcloud client. Turned it off, and my problems went away. Maybe you have something similar going on?

That makes sense. If you start out without any of those I'm sure it's night and day.

Thanks for the additional input!

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Does anybody have pointers how to compile it? The readme is a little lacking...

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Woah, are you okay?

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Gimp might be able to perform that little logo-transformation favour for you libre of charge, but at least give it a call after for heaven's sake.

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Nextcloud doesn't like changes on disk in its own file structure, but you can mount "external storage" where Nextcloud is okay with changes and happily scans the location when you access it (a network share, or a local file path also works; SMB share will probably get you around the permissions problem though.)

Don't know about immich as I haven't used it, but you will probably have to decide on one of the two services to be "in charge" of the files, I think.

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I am trying to learn in a safe environment without breaking my existing network. It's not actually a WAN, except from the firewall's point of view.

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Here's the docker stats of my Nextcloud containers (5 users, ~200GB data and a bunch of apps installed):

No DB wiz by a long shot, but my guess is that most of that 125MB is actual data. Other Postgres containers for smaller apps run 30-40MB. Plus the container separation makes it so much easier to stick to a good backup strategy. Wouldn't want to do it differently.

Yeah, I saw that but wanted to take it step by step as not to break everything all at once. πŸ˜‰

Okay, did the migration just now. Everything seems a little more responsive, but I wouldn't call it way faster.

Either way, it wasn't very scary at all. For anybody coming after me:

  • add postgres container to compose file like so. I named mine "postgres", added a "postgres" volume, and added it to depends_on for app and cron
  • run migration command from nextcloud app container like any other occ command and check admin settings/system for db state: ./occ db:convert-type --password $POSTGRES_PASSWORD --all-apps pgsql $POSTGRES_USER postgres $POSTGRES_DB
  • remove old "db" container and volume and all references to it from compose file and run docker compose up -d --remove-orphans
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I strongly disagree with this statement. Just because it's hard to do doesn't mean it isn't what you rationally decide you want to do. The reason for staying and the reason for leaving are orthogonal to one another or else there wouldn't be a conflict. Compare to substance addiction: You decide you want to stop, but you need.

This is exactly the type of answer I was looking for. Thanks a bunch.

So but in that way, having a proxy on the LAN that knows about internal services, and another proxy that is exposed publicly but is only aware of public services does help by reducing firewall rule complexity. Would you say that statement is correct?

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Very anecdotally, I saw a little speed improvement but not all that much. DB size increased a bit. I'll be sticking with it for the time being because why not.

My post title was going to be "firewall noob vs. double NAT", but I'm too much of a noob to tell if that's where the problem is. πŸ˜…

Edit: plus, is it actually a double NAT if I try to port forward into 10.0.0.x from 192.168.0.x? I'm only crossing one NAT, no?

Gotcha. Thanks anyway. πŸ™‚

You're right about printing not being all that, but certain situations (my situation) call for it, at least for the time being.

This is for manufacturing orders in a low tech environment, and at this point in time I need to stick with a paper trail (so I can get rid of it in the future.)

I don't think you'll do yourself any favours setting it up on Windows directly. How about docker+wsl2?

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I was thinking training montage, with Eye of the Tiger and everything.

In all seriousness, picture your dude's face! He will have forgotten all about that bet (he might have even now) and one regular sunny day you CASUALLY walk on over to that conveniently located stage; "hold that drink for me for a second, honey", and BAM. He won't know what's even happening, crying into both of your milk shakes in joy and confusion.

Plus, you'll be super buff. There's no downside, really.

If only every Windows install came with an internet exploder! We wouldn't have to read Elon Musk X fluff pieces on the news ever single day. And privacy concerns... What privacy concerns?

You can do batch operations in a document view. Select multiple documents and change the attributes in the top menu. Which commands are you missing?

Works really well, though.

Right, I could have been more precise. I'm talking about security risk, not resilience or uptime.

"It’ll probably be the most secure component in your stack." That is a fair point.

So, one port-forward to the proxy, and the proxy reaching into both VLANs as required, is what you're saying. Thanks for the help!

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I'm sorry to hear it, and I hope you are being kind to yourself.

No worries. It has a stripe integration, too, so it's easy to handle payments without having to hold customers' credit card info.

You know your stuff, man! It's exactly as you say. πŸ™

A very welcome compliment after this ordeal. Thank you! :)

The cleanest way to solve the scaling issue would probably be to go into the pdf2pic module and hack it open to accept the "pcl:fit-to-page" option that GraphicsMagick (the underlying software package doing the actual conversion from PDF to PCL) supports. (Supposing it actually does what it says. I'm not so sure about anything in printer land anymore.)

But since this whole thing is for internal documents only and the scaling can probably be estimated by choosing better values for width/height to account for printer margins I most likely won't bother.

Thanks again for suggesting Node-RED. I'm very happy with the result.

Thanks for your patience. I appreciate it and I'm learning a lot. πŸ™

There's a chance yet!

edit: That actually seems simple enough and should integrate nicely with the rest of my network. Cool!