What recent video game do you have buyer remorse for?

TehBamski@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 185 points –

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Enshrouded. I'm on a 5600X and a 6800XT and no matter the settings or reported FPS I feel like I'm running on 30-40fps. Also for some reason the distant LODs look like garbage, nothing like the gameplay I've seen in review videos.

Devs confirmed it was a bug with the camera but they did not know what caused it. Engine is entirely in-house so hopefully they fix it soon.

The only thing I managed to care about so far was building a nice cave home with a huge great hall and ruining the scenery by building a giant Peter Griffin pixel art outside.

Update on this, devs have "kinda" found a fix but need to do large scale testing. They have said that they will release a separate beta branch on steam to opt-in to if you want to try the fixed fps issues.