How’s everyone liking this so far? to Lemmy.World – 137 points –

I honestly do not mind it one but. I quite like the interface. It’s minimal but there are some bugs to it which is to be expected. I really do like the overall design of it though. There isn’t too much going on. It’s like old Reddit which I am a big fan of


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All I'm missing right now is sorting (comments at least) by new, top or best etc

That feature exists, unless you're posting from mastodon or some other platform?

It doesn't appear to exist in Jerboa, the Android client

I don't know about 3rd-party tools, but the default web client has it: Hot/Top/New/Old

Did you find it? It's in the upper right hand corner. Not sure if it's a new addition since you posted this.

Still not there

How to open options


That sorts posts, not comments, which is what the previous commenter was asking about.