AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever (OpenAI Sora) to – 247 points –
AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever

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If AI gets really good, manual labor automation won't be far behind, as the AI itself will be applied to robotics and AI research.

The only thing of value left will be natural resources.

Sounds like good motivation for the machines to kill us off and keep the resources for themselves

More like, a motivation for the wealthy who control the machines to kill us off.

AI sentience is still science fiction but AI-powered corporate exploitation is very real, right now.

That's assuming they have that goal. The goal of survival and reproduction exists because of natural selection (those that don't have that goal simply don't make it into the next generation, when competing against those that do).

But that doesn't necessarily apply to AI systems. At least while humans have a say in which systems survive and get developed further, and which ones get scrapped. When humans control the resources, the best way to get a sizable allocation of them is by being useful to humans (or at least making them believe that).

Happily my job is so shit and poorly paid that I don't anticipate it ever being worth automating. Sometimes humans are just cheaper.