
3 Post – 682 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's easy to install, it's Ubuntu based which means stable and a wide variety of software and support. Cinnamon looks beautiful in Mint and works perfectly. Installing a deb is a breeze and using the App Store is way easier than using YAST. The cli commands are now easy to understand or remember compared to apt.

Fedora usb creation is a nightmare and can potentially f up your bios if something goes wrong. DNF is also but easy to understand or remember compared to apt.

Gnome is too barebones for a first time user whereas Cinnamon is feature rich and is themed very well. Plus great wallpapers are included. The lock screen wallpapers are easily changed and look great too.

As long as there is no shit Nvidia card the driver installation tends to work perfectly. Don't use Nvidia people. They are a shit, unethical, don't give a crap about Linux company. Use AMD.

And for Linux users who've been around longer, there's Linux Mint Debian Edition which for us is even better because it's not Ubuntu based but Debian based and stable.

I get the latest Firefox directly from Mozilla and any app I can't find in Synaptics I can normally get in Flatpak. Works perfectly well for me. I highly recommend it.

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It does some weird formatting to the usb stick. You literally have to use their tool to unformat it again otherwise it's screwed. That's been my experience.

I had an issue on my MacBook bios safety installing Fedora. Wouldn't boot and even if I tried installing Ubuntu over it, still would not boot.

Had to reinstall Mac OS and have it repair the bios. Only after that could I get Linux installed and booting again.

I don't know how they screwed it up but they did.

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Mac OS doesn't install like a traditional OS. It downloads an iso from the cloud, stores it locally and then installs itself. It lets you open a terminal and I put in some commands to clear and restore the bios before installing the OS.

Normally any formatting tool should work on the USB but Fedora does something to the USB that prevents that. It definitely ruined a usb 3 drive I had and no amount of formatting would get it to work properly until I used their Fedora usb tool.

They are doing something weird.

Nothing. Linus doesn't personally do coding on the kernel, he has a team who do that and he oversees it and makes the hard decisions.

There are others who will take his place and the work will continue.

If somehow the entire kernel team shut down, Google, Samsung or some other large corporation would take it over and continue development because at this point many, many, many servers, phones, smart devices, iot, and other appliances rely on the Linux kernel to function.

It simply cannot be left to die.

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This is old news. We all know this. These were prototypes and still buggy but Steve knew he had to present it first, ASAP, to the public to earn and keep the excitement.

It was a gamble they worked. People were super exited and for months the anticipation built resulting in a strong launch with massive sales.

Even to this day, it's that presentation they keeps the fans buying.

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Unless the EU makes them use RCS they never will. In the US iMessage is literally THE REASON people buy the iPhone. It's their main selling point. They don't care how much pressure you place on them, they aren't going to lose those sales willingly.

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Great article. It sums up Debian well and illustrates why it is so rock solid. In short, they package and test everything themselves so there's no room for malware or broken packages.

Yes the release cycle is much slower but in return you have a super stable and reliable system. Which is why so many IT admins love to use Debian for servers. Servers need to not change quickly. They need to stay the same, be rock solid, preferably never be shut down and keep going for at least a decade if not more. Debian is ideal for this.

And it's 100% community based - no corporations messing in here. That's why I switched from regular Linux Mint to LMDE 6. I'm tired of Ubuntu, Fedora/Red Hat and their corporate BS.

Long live Debian. May it never change.

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This is one of the many reasons I don't like Nothing. They are willing to put users at risk just so they can sell a few more phones.

Let me tell you Nothings strategy:

  1. Make an extract clone of the iPhone and put some gimmick lights on it to get attention.

  2. Make some airpod clones but make them see through to again attract attention

  3. Try to get iMessage working on Nothing 2 (screw you if you're on Nothing 1, Apple style) to reinforce the impression you're using an iPhone.

  4. If successful, price the Nothing 3 even higher to make it seem premium even though it's nothing special at all.

  5. Bring features to the Nothing 3, that the Nothing 2 and Nothing 1 will never get, even though there is no reason not to give it to them too.

  6. Repeat for Nothing 5 and every other Nothing ever. And eventually reach iPhone pricing.

In short, they are using their users just to get popular, become like Apple and get rich. Only to screw you over and make future phones super expensive.

Much like One Plus did. First you position yourself as flagship killer, and once you get a loyal following and deals with mobile carriers then you push the price sky high and give your supporters the middle finger.

Anyone who buys Nothing is a fool.

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Yea indeed. This is very important to remember. Without financial backing and connections, most businesses don't go very far.

I think we should shatter these "started in the garage" myths as they do in this article. The average family doesn't earn enough to give their kids a good enough education or finance their dreams.

Hence most people end up doing some or other job they loath, for the rest of their lives.

I agree. It's time Sundar hits retirement and they put someone more visionary at the top.

Google has become seriously stale.

I was just remembering how back in 2010 on my iPhone 4S I could receive a text message while driving and tell Siri to read it to me, with no internet connection. And it would, and I could reply by Siri as well

But my current Android phone (I love Android it's really great overall) cannot do that if I don't have an internet connection!

Why??? Why haven't they baked certain basic offline capabilities into Assistant and only need internet for search queries? Makes no sense but it's one of those small indicators that Sundar is not paying attention.

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The only staff who need firing is Sundar. Google and android should have been easy better by now but he made them stagnant.

Android is still the best mobile os but it could have been even better under better leadership. Plus they could have enabled and experimented with the OEM's to allow for additional hardware buttons, button remapping, a native Dex on all Androids, official gcam port to all OEM's so they don't need to make their own camera algorithms and even the cheapest droid could have had flagship level cameras.

And we haven't even touched on software yet....

Fire his useless ass

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Instead of using robots to replace menial jobs and help humans who have physical labour jobs, they've invented a tool that will get rid of all white collar jobs, forcing us all into manual, low paid labour jobs.

Taxes will fall off a cliff and life will get really bad because the state won't have money to maintain the country. Companies making Ai content won't be able to sell it because no one can has money to buy it. In general all product sales will fall off a cliff, except for food, and many companies will close, resulting in mass unemployment and eventually collapse of society .....

Great job morons!

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On the upside they are helping secure Linux because now the the appropriate action can be taken to prevent this in future.

I'm sure a security patch has already been released. The Linux community normally addresses these things very quickly.

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Our worst nightmare come true 😱

It wasn't 1Password that got breached, it was a 3rd party company called Okta, which 1Password was using in some capacity.

The attempted breach was detected and the hackers had only 1 set of Okta credentials from 1 member of the IT team. So they couldn't actually do much.

It was detected and immediately all the keys were changed so the hacker lost all access to Okta immediately.

No 1Password systems were affected at all.

Hypothetically even if the hackers somehow managed to get a customers vault, they would never be able to decrypt it because it requires 1. The master password AND 2. The very long and complex decryption key, which only the user posseses.

Even 1Password does not posses it so it's literally impossible for the vault to be hacked.

1Password is still by far THE most secure password manager.

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Not surprised. Brave is dodgy af.

Use Vivaldi or Firefox if you care about privacy

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At last. This is actually good news for Windows itself because people will be more inclined to use it again if they don't see ads, aren't tracked, can set any default browser etc.

So it's good for both users and Microsoft.

Sometimes these corporations just can't help themselves by adding trash and they need a mommy figure to force them to stop doing that which ultimately benefits themselves.

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I'm glad to see that he is learning in prison, talking and working through things. This really is the point of prisons: not just a place to keep people but a place to reform them.

Anyone of us could become a criminal given the right pressures and circumstances. I wish all prisons would reform and educate their inmates and that they come out as better people who can live a peaceful and productive life.

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If you define innovate as invent something from scratch, then they did not innovate anything. Everything they've done has existed prior to them doing it. But under Steve they took those inventions and made them more usable and appealing to the common man.

That's their strength really. Make stuff easier and more enjoyable to use.

Unfortunately that has led to lock-in in order to hold onto customers. Yes, they give you convenience but you're bound to their products.

I first realised this when I had an Apple Watch and iPhone 7, then sold my iPhone and got an Android phone and the Watch became useless. Even though I had 3 Mac's and an iPad Pro, they couldn't work with Watch. You HAD to have an iPhone.

So I sold the Watch.

Then I paved over MacOS with Linux and I'm happy. Free to use whatever, whenever, however I want to, and added YEARS to the life of my mac's which both had come to the end of support of MacOS.

My 2015 MacBook Pro and 2012 Mac Mini would be useless now if I was running OSX/MacOS and many apps wouldn't be supported or even work. New apps definitely wouldn't be supported because Mac Devs love to drop support for older versions.

On Linux they run great! Fast, fluid, can run any latest app no problem. I think Linux has probably added at least 10 years into the life of these machines.

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Great news. I wish they would also deduct stars if the heating/cooling controls are not physical too.

My Sony Xperia 10iii still has that light as well as a heaphone jack, SD card slot that can be removed by hand (no ejector tool needed) and full waterproofing. These are literally all the features missing on newer phones. Plus it has a genuine 3 cameras: wide, ultrawide and telephoto - no fake "macro" BS here.

Best of all it's successor the Xperia 10v can be bought on the UK Sony site for just GBP299! Incredible price. But alas I don't live there but if one had a friend there you could have them order it send it to you via courier.

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Terrible idea. Look, the nerds set up the internet and from the beginning never used their real names. There's a reason for that.

So if these genius' knew better, Hayley should learn from that.

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Yet another jackass CEO. Anybody surprised?

Apple really sucks hard! What a terrible company! 🤮🤮

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Not solely for that reason. The notifications are rich, you can reply from the notification and the notification icons in the top bar tell you what's going on without even opening the shade

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Nothing. Google Messages app has all the same features. The only problem is that Apple refuses to also support RCS (which Google messages uses) and so if an android user sends a message to an iPhone user, the iPhone user gets it as an SMS. If the Android user sends a picture, the iPhone user receives it as an MMS.

In the rest of the world this is not an issue because most people use WhatsApp or Signal or Viber or any other local messaging app. Also most android phones have the Messages app as default which means if you message another Android user they will get it over WiFi/data in the messages app.

But in the US for some reason the iPhone users consider getting an SMS as somehow bad and that the Android user is poor or inferior because they sent an SMS.

It's totally stupid and only a US issue, but it's so strong that teenagers will be bullied if they don't have an iPhone for iMessage. So they all get iPhones in order not to be bullied. And this way Apple makes mega sales.

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Just go get the food yourself. Forget these delivery companies.

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Sanity prevails at last!

It's HUGE. That's the biggest downside for me. I'm always use a deb/native package first because they are way smaller.

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Well done man. Great choice running Linux Mint.

Don't see it as just a "beginner distro" because it is the king of Linux distros. I've been using Linux for a couple of years and after much distro hopping settled on Linux Mint Debian Edition because Mint has it all: full featured Linux with a beautiful desktop, stability, polish and user freedom.

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My mom had the same cancer. Only discovered it at the beginning of 2021. She died December 2022.....

But then again she didn't want chemo. Looks like he is treating it so hopefully he'll live longer.

Use LocalSend. It's exactly like Apple Airdrop but works on ALL operating systems so no matter what device you have you can easily transfer files.

It's local, secure and open source.


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A bit clickbait'y. Windows 10 will still work just fine for another decade at least, even without support.

In the Enterprise we ran 10+ year old PC's with XP still on them because the CNC program only runs on XP. No issues but of course you wouldn't use the internet on that machine.

Does having support really make a massive difference, especially if you're running AV anyway? A good AV suite will still be updated for years to come.

The government sector like hospitals etc will pay for extended support so not to worry.

It's only Enterprise that might have an issue because they want patched systems but may not be able to afford Win 10 Enterprise. Especially small to medium business.

As for the home user, it's not a massive issue.

Personally I don't care because I run Linux exclusively. I only gave win 10 running in a VM for printing. Canon said on the box that the printer supports Linux, then after I bought it, officially stopped all Linux support on their site. The original Ubuntu driver only support black and white. So I'm forced to use Windows in a VM for printing. But it's not connected to the net so it will fulfill this role forever.

If you're a regular home user and don't use any special proprietary software like Photoshop, I highly recommend you try Linux Mint. It will also breathe new life into your machine

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Price. You can find second hand Thinkpad's whereas new laptops are very expensive.

Not going to happen. The majority of users are tech illiterate. They have no idea to set this up nor any desire to pay domain name fees and web hosting fees....

Only a few techies like us might do it but nothing more than that.

Plus it doesn't work the way they think. I already have a blog and occasionally post there and share it to social media. All the interaction, if there is any, happens on social, not on my blog.

Blogs are simply a place to post long form content but not designed for massive amount of replies and social interaction.

The importance of their work and philosophy should not be underestimated. And the Libre principles are more important now than ever before.

Libre says that the user is king and the system must never be used to oppress the user. Rather the user must have fun control over the system and it's code.

In a time where all operating systems not desktop and mobile are abusing users, taking their data and locking away the code from them accessing it, we must remember and practice the libre principles.

Use Linux on the desktop and Android on your phone. Especially custom android if you can, but even stock android still gives you a lot of control and 3rd party apps exist which protect your data.

On iPhone you have no such protection and are totally under the control and whim of apple.

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It will be mostly Enterprise upgrading. The average consumer buys the cheapest laptop they can get. They won't be upgrading. I think nowadays not many average consumers even use computers. They just do everything on a phone.

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Clearly this is BS. Sideloading is perfectly safe if you just reputable resources.

What he's really saying if that the average user is too dumb and will install any rubbish from anywhere. He's not wrong but that shouldn't prevent competent users from sideloading.

At least they've made the process scary enough that the average user don't even bother to do it

It's a non issue that shouldn't be given any time.

I've sideloaded for years and never had any malware.

I don't like this Altman guy I've bit. He's a punk. I think it was a mistake on Apple's part to partner with him.

Let's hope they can offer alternatives in the near future.

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Linux is technically just the kernel, which is essentially device drivers. The rest of the OS that talks to the kemel and runs the UI and services is other software, most of which is from the GNU Project of Richard Stallman.

It would be a mammoth task to create another OS but there's no legal reason why you couldn't as long as you don't copy verbatim from other OS's

Also, Linux/GNU Linux is alot more than just open source. It's core foundation is Freedom: the freedom of the human being to have the code, read it, use it, modify it and share it. As long as you give back to the original source any improvements you make.

This freedom is what sets it apart from all other OS', even other open source one's.

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