Still can't decide to Programmer – 153 points –

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VSCodium has limited plugins, but most known ones were available.. Weird logo, some kind of a seaplant?? But I soon dig it..

VSCode has all the plugins, but with Microsoft's Telemetry as expected.. Cool logo..

Truth: I'm using VSCodium, the absence of Telemetry tends to improve it's overall performance.. I'm beginning to like the logo.. Plugins support has improved, all the plugins I used in VSCode, are now available.. All of it..

It's basically the same difference between Chrome and Chromium.

I love Foss software but chrome crushes speedometer test (on windows not Linux ) like its always 20 runs more than chromium or ungoogled chromium makes me wonder is chrome cheating or what's happening under the hood

You can add the official microsoft marketplace in a json file and get all the addons :)