Do you find that you're on the fed more than you were on r/ just because you're really really excited to watch your favorite communities become more active? to No Stupid – 715 points –

I do, but as more people join I'm also feeling a little republican - i got my spot and this is good; everyone on the outside can go fuck off now. I don't want it to get so big that it's what we left. No intended disrespect or lack of acknowledgment to those who were here before.


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Im visiting a friend for the week and only have my iPhone so this has been a godsend. will be interesting to see how my usage shifts once back home…..but this place is nice.

Remember that you also have a real life friend there. 🙃 😉

I didn’t mean to downplay them! Been watching lots of stargate sg-1 and just hanging out more or less. The show ranges from being so great to just straight up bad so presents plenty of conversation