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isn't randint range inclusive? thus random.randint(0, 6) == 1 has a 1 in 7 chance, not 1 in 6. Most revolvers, assuming this is emulating russian roulette, have 6 cylinders, not 7.

You’re right. I didn’t make this, but maybe the creator was accounting for the round in the chamber? I don’t guns, so no clue.

Revolvers don't have the concept of one-in-the-chamber, only semi-auto pistols do, and you can't play russian roulette with semi-autos :P (well you could, but 99% of the time, barring unexpected jams, the first person to go would lose)

Anyway I'm guessing it's a bug :) - as the saying goes "no code is too short to be bug-free"

Good to know! Makes it easier to decide what to get next time I play Russian roulette.