And after going on Die Toilette (female toilet), you use Das Spulbecken (neutral washbasin) and stand in front of Der Spiegel (male mirror).
Despite accepting this all as perfectly normal, conservatives still manage to make a stink when someone writes or speaks in a way that addresses two different genders :-S
And then there's also the fabolous gender swap in the kitchen:
You walk into Die Küche(female kitchen) and after that you come out of Der Küche(male kitchen).
TIL In french, we have un amour, single form masculin that turn feminin in the plural form.
And after going on Die Toilette (female toilet), you use Das Spulbecken (neutral washbasin) and stand in front of Der Spiegel (male mirror).
Despite accepting this all as perfectly normal, conservatives still manage to make a stink when someone writes or speaks in a way that addresses two different genders :-S
And then there's also the fabolous gender swap in the kitchen:
You walk into Die Küche(female kitchen) and after that you come out of Der Küche(male kitchen).
TIL In french, we have un amour, single form masculin that turn feminin in the plural form.