Borderlands players - what is your opinion about the new movie trailer? to – 93 points –

Apologies that this is not a pure gaming question, but I'd really like to hear people's opinion on the Borderlands movie trailer and especially from people who have played the games. That's why I'm asking here, I hope that's ok.


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I said this elsewhere, but essentially it looks like a "Turn your brain off" movie which kind of hits the notes that Borderlands is known for while also having a bit of a fun house mirror / "We've got [game] at home" feeling to it.

Overall though, it feels... forced. From the limited bits you can hear, I don't think Jack Black really works for Claptrap (no reason to not just keep the original VA outside of "Jack Black is so in right now" or some shit); the dialog feels overly filtered, if that makes any sense.... Like too many people edited it so that it achieved maximum 'for the lolz' (not that the first two games (the ones I actually have experience with) were the peak of writing, mind you); and I don't have any feelings one way or the other for Kevin Hart, but for this role I think he was also a bad casting choice (but what do I know, I've only seen a quick trailer... maybe he nails it).

Action looks decent enough, and I do appreciate that (at least from the looks of things) they're pushing Cate's character as the lead.

I've played every BL to date, except new tales.

The writing peaked in 2, it was great in 1, it went downhill after that.

Well said, agree about Kevin Hart, I pictured Roland differently. I had this short flash where I pictured Roland as Arnold Schwarzenegger how he looked in Predator and that made me laugh. Predator was no comical film of course, but I could easily see Arnold do the Roland thing and I would find that amusing.