
7 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sounds like you're describing dissociation. I'd talk to a therapist if possible. It might be triggered by trauma or other condition as someone else mentioned.

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On a forum, I was complaining about a troll and his friend roasting something i made, they responded with a picture of a baby crying. Moderators did nothing. It ruined my week. I was like 16 at the time.

My grandma is being held for ransom and i must get the recipe for meth to save her

This is probably Hollywood Blvd, not Disneyland

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Tipping housekeepers is not the norm. You shouldn't feel obligated to tip, ever.

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Where is that money going, I wonder

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Relatable. I was relieved I wouldn't be doomscrolling anymore. Then i found Lemmy, which works as a doomscroll sometimes, ut also goes down or goes slow randomly, forcing me to do something else.

I've found that I'm also browsing (old-school) forums now to fill the time.

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"Refuse to vote neither"

So you're voting both then, I see.

Luckily they wrote a tribute

Memes: upvote if I find it funny

Text posts:

  • upvote if agree
  • do nothing if disagree, but the post is valid
  • downvote if OP is trolling, or rude, or otherwise makes me uncomfortable

But, there are exceptions

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"That makes it free, right?"

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The idea of reusable bags was great, but they operated the same as the old plastic bags. They're thicker, more durable, but most people don't care enough to bring back their old bags, and will just buy new ones because it's convenient. Speaking from personal experience.

Also, different places have different protocols, sometimes they make you bag your own groceries if you bring your own bags. Again, some people won't bother.

I'm sure they established a poop corner

If it looks like a spider, and acts like a spider, and freaks me out like a spider, it's close enough

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Well let's see (warning: I left out wholesome things I've learned for these...infamous moments)

If you break both your arms, your mom can jack you off

If you cum in a shoebox or a coconut, and leave it long enough, bugs will infest it

If you think trying heroin is easy to do once, you are wrong

One of reddit's power users and 7th(?) oldest account ever probably belonged to Ghislaine Maxwell (maxwellhill)

People get really defensive when you ask why they watch so much Liveleak

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It's NOT the engineers. It's the executives and corporate management that decides that. The engineers just get paid to implement it.

  • Windows Ghost Spectre
  • Windows LTSC
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error: success

"I'll Prime Minister you"

"I'll prime meridian you"

"I'll post mortem you"

"I'll prima dona you"

"I'll Pringle Mingle you"

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I'm Ace. Imagine my confusion when femboys were appealing to look at but not sexually desirable for me. (Cis Male)


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I had the opposite reaction. When i got a prescription, I went from 1080p to 4k. I could see and read just fine, but I can't see fine details.

Then I could see all the pores and blemishes on people's faces, and it was kinda frightening. For someone to see that their whole life, it's probably normal, but for me, it's like people were wearing uncanny masks, and I couldn't get used to it.

Also, glasses gave me a headache like no other.

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is a femboy

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Yet they are not built in features to game engines such as Unity and Unreal

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Like others, being on Lemmy dragged me away from the constant stream of endless gratification. I still check it a few times a day, at most, but much less than Reddit.

What Reddit still has over Lemmy is a huge database of answers. While many people have left Reddit or moved on, their comments stayed, and that includes many searchable and genuine answers.

It also has more communities. Game devs still use Reddit to host a lite web page (subreddit) for example. While the fediverse has many communities, alot of them are duplicates. Every instance has their own Memes community for example, which pollutes the feed sometimes.

In the last year, I've made less than 5 posts on Reddit, mostly asking questions. I don't browse it, I just end up on it from search results.

I wish the fediverse agreed on unique communities. It's cool that I can communicate with several different websites, but imagine if there was 5 reddit.com's and they all made their own memes subreddits. Either you have to subscribe to all of them and get duplicate memes, or you sub to one and miss out of 4x more.

Because those 5 reddits are all divided, so is the potential user base. I'm not saying we should go back to a single website, but rather that each website in the fediverse hosts one major community.

Alternatively, have an instance that merges all the other instances' communities so that all the meme communities appear as one, and all duplicates are filtered out.

And I still haven't got my foot in the door.

Debt to family members. If I pay them off, I'll have a reason to keep living. If i decide to run or kill myself, then I'll just be "a coward" and "selfish".

But I've had bad luck my whole life. I hope I'll be able to pay them off one day, but the idea of suicide has been crossing my mind daily. I've been unemployed since covid except for 1 job which lasted a month, and another job this December which may only last a month.

I am out of money. I just graduated university with a Bachelors Degree, and unlike most of my colleagues, I've been unable to get a job in the industry.

My school loans are coming to collect in January. My whole family is poor. I'm the realistic example of a poor person graduating with a degree. I'm stuck poor, and I will probably die poor.

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Playing with sticky items (tape, stickers) rolling them in my fingers, sticking them to my hands and peeling them.

Additionally, touching things to my lips.

Who are you waving at, Happy?

Nobody grandma, let's go home.

Tuesday's Gone solo

The views of .ml mods have not affected me. I don't really check my subscription feed, only /all or /top->day, therefor im still exposed to all those other communities.

The only instances that I've noticed are missing are porn related, and as an asexual, I don't have an interest in them. If I did, I could just visit a different site, like pornhub or w/e

Not all .ml users are tankies, or communist, or foss enthusiasts. I'm just a guy who likes memes and tech

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I've played every BL to date, except new tales.

The writing peaked in 2, it was great in 1, it went downhill after that.

Tildes also doesn't allow memes and only accepts "quality content", meaning they can delete your comments and threads if someone (idk who) thinks they aren't good enough. This will cause everyone on tildes to sound like the same person.

I hear you. When I first joined .ml, they were pressing for people NOT to join it. To create their own instances so that .ml didn't become a central entity, and get overwhelmed with users. The latter did occur during the reddit exodus.

I also agree that they can curate and manipulate the instance to their ideals, which will limit casual users and their reach.

I don't feel like I'm being secluded, but that doesn't mean it isn't happening. I have seen hate for .ml users and hexbear users, and I really don't get it. The fediverse shouldn't be segregating users based on what instance they're in. That's like saying all US citizens are awful because they live there.

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To have a programming job. I just got a bachelors degree for it and the job hunt is depressing.

Runner up: to know what I want. I have no idea what I want or how to proceed, except get a job.

Like you're saying, it's not that we're labeling ourselves, but that we're spreading awareness on multiple levels: LGBTQIA+ folks are sprinkled in our population. If someone goes their life without knowing any, or seeing any, they might feel alone and outcast.

I'm an Asexual male and I represent in my day to day with just a themed baseball hat.

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Religion did have good morals in theory. Not in practice.

Also, unrelated to your points, religion didn't evolve. It stayed about the same for thousands of years, despite new science.

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What's wrong with it? It seems like an improvement to CS1. I have seen any launch gameplay yet

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Some of my comments get down voted for seemingly no reason, or because I went against the "norm", but often i write a joke that falls flat.

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