annoying is my intention to – 679 points –

Used a script to overwrite old comments to finalize my switch to Lemmy, and got this message from one of the subreddit that i commented.

Yes my intention is to annoy and create awareness. After i delete my account, Reddit is not going to get to keep my pearls of wisdom, or shenanigans. I hope more people edit their old comments to something like [moved to Lemmy].


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The fact that this bot exists at all makes me think this is actually a bigger problem for Reddit than I would have guessed.

That's the automod for the sub in question. It's not a reddit wide bot in this case.

Of course, it could be that reddit's admins are helping mods make these kinds of reactions. I'd believe that. But the account itself in question (automoderator) doesn't tell us anything about how reddit's admins feel.

It seems odd that they reference way back machine. Almost like they don't have proper backups and take their undelete data from Considering how much a shitshow most of reddit is.