Defederating from Burggit and not defederating from Threads would be a very stupid mistake. to – 68 points –

I get why World and many others defederated from Burggit. Obviously it has questionable content which is not great to have stored on big servers for legal reasons.

But look at Threads, owned by a company which steals data and causes harm to anyone in any possible way. If you don't see their actions questionable as well and don't see how they are parasites trying to leech on the fediverse and suck everything away then there was no point in defederating from any questionable instances.


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This is the first I’ve head of burggit. Does anyone have a short, eli5 summary on what type of community it is?

It started as a typical Lemmy instance with a focus on lack of censorship, and now it's the "if your porn is too weird for Lemmynsfw, it's welcome here as long as it's legal" instance.

Basically a instance for people that just don't want to be censored, basically everything is allowed there and that includes stuff that many find "problematic"

it's an instance for people who remember how the internet used to be. without jannies micromanaging every corner, and with the expectation that nobody owes you protection from whatever you might find; if you go looking, finding something you don't like is your own fault.