Kellogg CEO now faces backlash for suggesting people eat 'cereal for dinner' to save money to – 258 points –
Kellogg CEO faces backlash for suggesting people eat 'cereal for dinner' to save money

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I mean Kellogg's sells A LOT of cereal, and some of them are very healthy and very cheap so it's not a terrible suggestion.

Is there any cereal that's "very healthy"? Or was that idea just pushed to sell more cereal.

Fibre One? The one without the extra stuff. Maybe that.

It's not a meal replacement, but it has a lot of fibre.

Ooh you reminded me of this bean cereal i used to get from krogers years ago, they were sorta healthy i believe with plenty of fiber and protein. Imma look for it next time im there now.

Sure. Try corn flakes or anything with oats that doesn't have a shitton of sugar added. Certainly many of them have nearly 0 nutritional value but others are some of the healthiest stuff you can eat.

Euuuuh I don't know in the US but in Europe "corn flakes" have so much sugar they are everything except healthy

Notice the lack of capital letters. "corn flakes" in the general sense don't have any added sugar. They're just corn flakes. If you're looking at Frosted Corn Flakes that's a different story.

Also milk is very calorie dense so you have to watch out for that.

My guy: what did I just say?

You said

I mean Kellogg’s sells A LOT of cereal, and some of them are very healthy and very cheap so it’s not a terrible suggestion.

What Kellogg's cereals are both "very healthy" and "very cheap"?

Well I meant cereal in general but looking at the actual ingredients very briefly both Corn Flakes and Special K only have 4g of sugar per 1 1/4 cup servings.

Kellogg is easily twice as expensive as no brand cereal.

It's a tone deaf response is the issue. CEOs are at the top of the pyramid. People want empathy and actions to reduce the massive strain of costs. Instead of something constructive like "Yes the cost of living is a crisis. Kellogg provided X to food banks and will increase Y or provide a new line of affordable lower cost cereal" he went " fucked. Buy more Kelloggs and eat it for dinner. Cause why the fuck do you plebs want dinner? JUST BUY KELLOGS BRO!"