Nikki Haley: America Is Committing “Suicide” by Voting for Trump to politics – 557 points –
Nikki Haley: America Is Committing “Suicide” by Voting for Trump

To use political jargon, Nikki Haley—who has lost primary contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and her home state of South Carolina—does not have a snow ball’s chance in hell of winning the GOP nomination for president. Still, she is apparently intent on not going down without a fight, and to that end, the former governor has a message for voters: Anyone who votes for Donald Trump has a death wish for America.


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Forgiving student debt would provide financial relief for 50million+ (a good chunk of the country) and would quite literally provide an economic boon instantly. Not to mention the millions of POC that would give immediate upward mobility. If the govt can bail out big business and forgive their PPP loans during the pandemic they can afford to cut student loans. I agree with you on your other points though.

Here’s the thing. We shouldn’t have bailed out big businesses in the first place. We should claw back that money. We shouldn’t have to bail out people with student loans. We should fix the root cause and give them a non-predatory option.

Also, we need reparations for black people.

I completely agree with all of that. Forgiveness is merely a bandaid for a broader solution, but providing intermediary relief is not saying we shouldn't also address the root cause.

What would you say to pausing the payments until a solution can be found?