Linux hits 4% on the desktop 🐧 📈

markus99@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to – 942 points –

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15.21% in India 🗿

Not surprising considering just how much India is running on old hardware. I wouldn't be surprised if a big chunk of laptops there don't even support win11.

That is surprising perhaps govts push for adoption in Kerala and elsewhere is the reason.


An article from 2007 about Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Wow, OK. I half expected a linux distro called Kerala. Hopefully this stance spreads!


did you just creative commons kerala? is that even how that works. i cant just run a pc program to creative commons every possible phrase

I saw lot of folks in college switch to Linux, especially Ubuntu back in the day. It was considered synonymous with coding here. There was a time I could recognize that Ubuntu's Unity DE from anywhere before it was killed(and resurrected again recently).

Unity was my first desktop, around the 2010s. Around 2020, I came back to Linux with the intention to ditch Windows forever.

I switched completely to Linux somewhere around 2016, I guess. I gave Windows 11 a spin recently but it didn't leave too good of an impression.

how do you check indovidual countries?

You just have to scroll down. Over there, you'll see the countries parameters.