France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people to World – 1516 points –
France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people

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This is why we need to strip the US gov. of power, before shit like this starts happening (which ik, it kinda already is.)

100% certainty that the FBI and CIA are already doing this and don't give a shit that it's illegal.

Oh yeah it was a long time ago it came out the FBI can turn on your camera without activating the light.

I just treat them like a captive little audience and torment them with my awful theatrics.

The irony is the idea that almost anyone funny could theoretically become a person of interest.

Goes to show how surveillance states can often slowly become a large waste of human and machine energy, potential and capability

Soon they’ll be checking if you’re talking about abortion or homosexuality or how horrible racists are. Then comes the knock on your door.

Hasn't the Patriot Act basically already enabled the feds to do this stuff and more for years now already?