The Big Change Between the 2020 and 2024 Races: Biden Is Unpopular to politics – -45 points –
The Big Change Between the 2020 and 2024 Races: Biden Is Unpopular

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Watching all these news organizations drive the "both sides are the same" narrative to keep the clicks flowing is fucking crazy.

If the fascists win, the first people thrown against the walls will be the news organizations lmao.

Nah. the first ones will be some minority group protesting.

Get the news orgs to flock out there; makes them easy to line up.

Watching Biden supporters attack the media like a bunch of Republicans is pretty fucking crazy too

If the fascists win, we can both say "I told you so" to each other on our way to that same wall

It is astounding how willing some people on the left are to ignore polling and legitimate criticism.

If Keith Olbermann had his way Trump would be our next president... they've buried their heads so deep in the sand that they're actively hurting Biden's chances.

Biden is flawed, he's too old and generally unpopular. Own it and overcome it - if you don't then people will see that you're full of shit and be more willing to buy Trump's lies.

“Own it and overcome it”

How exactly? The Democratic Party isn’t exactly soliciting recommendations from the general public. The primaries are where you would vote for a more viable candidate but without backing from one of the major parties there are no realistic viable alternatives.

The best anyone can do right now is not vote for Biden in the primary (or vote for a non viable candidate) and that just creates a narrative that Biden doesn’t have support.

What concrete thing do you want people to do?

I want Biden to be vulnerable about the actuality of his age. He's old enough to suffer in his mental faculties and we all fucking know it... stress what you're still bringing to the table, international and domestic clout, the track record of decent accomplishments from term 1, not being trump... and explain how you're overcoming your flaws, competent staffers, good cabinet appointments (like the woman killing it in the FTC), having a good replacement in your VP slot (swap out Harris, she's unpopular and won't win a battleground site).

It's not on us to trust - it's on him to earn it.

And yea, we absolutely should show skepticism in the primaries, ideally there'd be a feasible challenger but challenging an incumbent is generally seen as political suicide.

I think I initially misread your post as Biden voters owning and overcoming it, but I think you were more saying for Biden to do that.

I think he’s trying to some extent, I saw him on Seth Meyers the other night and he seemed like any other old man politician. I think the problem is that he is old, there’s not much he can do about that, if he goes out and acts young… well nothing seems older than an old person acting young.

His talking points do often include actual accomplishments, I think the problem is that the accomplishments don’t feel good. One he cited on that Seth Meyers appearance is that coming out of the post pandemic inflation the US is doing best of the developed nations. Let’s say this is true, this is still hard to run on. Everyone is experiencing inflation but our policies made it so we experienced it the least. This is so abstract to your average voter, where the idea “Biden made prices go up” is wrong (if it were just Biden, other nations wouldn’t also experience inflation too) but easily grasped.

Overall, I think the big mistake is the party letting him run again. But the Democratic Party being dog shit at election strategy is par for the course