China's Xi urges military to prepare for maritime conflicts to World – 115 points –
China's Xi urges military to prepare for maritime conflicts

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Is this reactionary?

By definition it's the opposite.

Did they ask for a restoration of the KMT government or the Manchu dynasty? No, they just criticized the current existing government.

We risk overreacting to the threats posed by China.

The Rise of ‘Red Scare’ Policy

I agree things like TikTok and Farmland are overblown issues that wouldn’t be an issue if congress wasn’t so impotent when it comes to legislating laws that benefit actual Americans over American corporations, but this article entirely ignores China’s excessively aggressive maritime policy, be it their overfishing or their increasing militarism in the South China Sea. That’s the stuff that starts wars, not tariffs and business bans.

As an ideology, reactionism is a tradition in right-wing politics;[1] the reactionary stance opposes policies for the social transformation of society, whereas conservatives seek to preserve the socio-economic structure and order that exists in the present.[2] In popular usage, reactionary refers to a strong traditionalist conservative political perspective of a person opposed to social, political, and economic change.[3][4]

Nope. Long standing hate. Fuck the CCP and Xi jingpoo

What did they do to you?

It's what they do to the citizens of china, uyghur or not, and the surrounding countries, instigating shit it internatinal waters, etc. Evil doesn't have to do anything to me personally for me to hate it.

And the Gaza Palestinians? So, America’s not worthy of your hate? Hypocrisy!

Go have fun putting words in someone else's mouth