Any good debloated TVs?

Mr. to – 220 points –

Hi there!

So I am looking to buy a new TV, but the latest smart-TVs all seem to be very bloated with ads and other ridiculous and unnecessary features. I know very little about TVs, and therefore wondering if anyone has any tips on some good TVs that include as little bloat as possible.

Thanks for any recommendations or tips!


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I got an LG TV but it will never be connected to the internet. I use an Apple TV for content because Apple is the most privacy focused platform available for this, and even then, I still use NextDNS to disable any possible tracking/telemetry that has.

Did it work right out if the box or did you have to connect to update it first? I haven't bought a tv for some years but I just use a laptop connected to my tv to stream anything, so all the smart features are pretty useless to me. I was wondering if it was possible to keep it a "dumb" tv by simply never connecting it to the internet or updating it.

I did update it just to get any bug fixes, but then disconnected it from wifi and blocked the network from allowing it back on as a precaution.

Ahh ok. So after disconnecting you don't get any ads or suggestions or anything right? Just functions as a dumb tv?