Please Stop to Lemmy – 1279 points –

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I love how you can't provide even a single example of useful Blockchain functionality. Doesn't mean it *doesn't exist, but says something... And no, "banking" and "internal ledgers" is not detailed enough to be a sufficient example.

You just... linked your own comment. I mean, most of us are nerds, but can you just... use language? What benefit does it provide?

I linked you to my other comment where I provide FIVE links to the thing you said I "can't provide". I had literally already provided it elsewhere. So that's where I sent you. Excuse me for not retyping the same thing for every single person.

I don't owe you my time. I provided a one-click path to what you asked for but you couldn't even be assed to ponder why I linked you that comment.

Done with you now.