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Joined 11 months ago

TBH that's a logic fail on your part.

In bullet point (1) we have two important statements

Statement A: "I can't make the food"

Followed immediately by the explanation...

Statement B: "I am dealing with an illness that makes me unable to eat solid foods and extremely sensitive to smells"

The only way Statements A and B can be related is via the smell. Being unable to EAT solid foods wouldn't prevent OP from MAKING the food. The only possible explanation is that the sensitivity to smell is what makes them unable.

That's, like, really basic reading comprehension skills. 🤷

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If that were the case then the other statements within bullet 1 are completely irrelevant, and the relevant information has been omitted. That would be a far greater assumption than taking the statements at face value and connecting the information we have into coherent logic

There are lots of reasons to pirate stuff, but this argument in particular boils down to "We should steal stuff now because maybe some day in the future I won't be able to use the paid version after they go out of business." And that is shitty.

You bought it, so go crack it now that the license check is broken and nobody will care. That's GOOD piracy. Support the creators, pirate when you can't or it's unreasonable to pay (more).

Don't just pirate to mitigate theoretical future inconvenience. Do it to circumvent actual inconvenience, or to get things you couldn't otherwise afford, or to say "fuck you" to big, shitty companies.

But pirating from a small-time dev just in case there are maybe license problems far in the future is not The Way

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Security professional here. This is legit a good call on their part. It's because those types of addresses won't bounce emails but aren't necessarily in your control; it's very, very easy to spam those petition forms with mail@ for a million real domains without bouncing the emails, making them seem legit.

You own your domain, obviously, so it's really as simple as creating a forwarding/alias address of "changeorg@domain.tld". If creating a forwarding/alias address is that much of a problem for you I suggest that you likely shouldn't be hosting your own email in the first place.

Your laziness isn't a good reason to be upset with a company taking steps to reduce their security overhead significantly

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Koichiro Ito was the producer, NOT the director who is famous for creating those movies. He collaborated with the studio, he did not write or direct the films. Please do not destroy and undermine these beautiful works of art over a single credited contributor who did not create the films.

Further, he was only arrested in February of 2024 so the studio hasn't even had an opportunity to turn down future collaboration with him.

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This is a trash headline and complete click bait

Tourists are not being banned from the geisha district

Tourists will be FINED if they enter PRIVATE STREETS that are not meant for or prepared to handle the tourism industry

The geisha district will remain open to tourists. Full stop.

Sky News is garbage

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Unsurprisingly, when people are given enough money to make immediate, material improvements to their life, they do.

If you're homeless and miserable, suffering psychological and/or physical pain, and someone gives you $20, the most immediate relief for that suffering is often escapism into things like drugs and alcohol. In situations of extreme distress, humans tend to favor solutions that immediately, if only temporarily, remove the stress. We see this behavior all across humanity.

So the thing you spend money on in that situation iis typically the thing that will, in your belief, most improve your short - and medium-term condition. Give them $20, they'll get alcohol. Give them $500, warm clothes and other durable QOL improvements. $7500? A car. $50,000? Long-term shelter.

Sadly, this study isn't telling us anything that psychologists and social workers didn't already know :/

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If people knew what devs said (justifiably) about players when nobody is looking, the internet would implode.

Like, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but holy fuck gamers are the worst about actually knowing how games are made or the consequences of various decisions they want made.

I don't know why 80% of gamers think playing games means they know how to make games, but it infuriates many of us to no end. We get that it's just misguided desire to see the games improve but jfc it makes life incredibly difficult (especially for the CMs)

EDIT: Imagine someone told an architect "You should just remove that load bearing wall. This other building doesn't have one in that position and it's great. Why is it so hard for you?"

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Tl;Dr: a meme went around asking women if they'd rather be stuck on an isolated island with a strange man or a strange bear. Most women chose the bear, largely due to the bear being more predictable and easier to deal with than a man inclined to do them harm, which, based on the experience of most women, is a whole lot of men.

Fragile men took this as an attack on all men everywhere and were offended at being "called a predator".

There's a pretty good thread in my comment history where I try to address the issue with one such fellow male and their response is about what you'd expect, confirming all the reasons why women chose the strange bear over the strange man

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Outrage-bait drives traffic. What you're seeing is the same amount bad behavior over time being made much more visible by people who seek to profit from the misery, along with an overall increase in our willingness to discuss the issues

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I've only ever seen the term "feefees" used by people whining over facing the completely predictable consequences of their actions

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Yeah I agree that one seems silly on the surface but for their specific situation I understand why: services like Gmail allow using a + to create faux-labels. So for example foo@gmail, foo+bar@gmail, and foo+baz@gmail all get delivered to the same account. For that's a problem because it allows a single email account to fill out the form many times.

Ideally, they would simply truncate everything after and including those symbols but it's possible other services have different rules (maybe yahoo let's you prepend faux-tags instead of appending them, or something like that) so simply blocking their use altogether could be the more robust solution

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Ok but that thumbnail looks like Sonic the Hedgehog, right? I can't be the only one who sees it

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OK but there are actually great uses for blockchain that are completely disconnected from anything you typically see

For example, banks may begin using blockchain for maintaining their internal ledgers. It will help solve a ton of issues around reconciling the transactions from all over the globe

Blockchain has reasonable uses. Really good ones. Crypto and nft bros just completely ruined the image of it

EDIT: I love all the comments demonstrating how little people understand about blockchain. Bitcoin was not the first blockchain, nor is its design the only type of blockchain. Assuming that all blockchain looks like the crypto/nft paradigm is just showing your ignorance.

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No, it's not socially acceptable. Yes, I wish it were. I don't know if I'd go for full on snuggling but I come from a physically affectionate family and in general wish people were more comfortable with that kind of thing

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Absolutely. I do that regularly. Purchase to support the creators, pirate to meet some specific use case.

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I don't care how much dirt FISA could enable us to dig up on Trump, the trade isn't worth it. It'd be the epitome of biting off your nose to spite your face

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Gee, I wonder if there are other groups of people who have been painted with one brush. Perhaps the is a group that is assumed to be less skilled at STEM jobs. Or another group assumed to be more prone to criminal behavior. Wouldn't that just be something? /s

We men, especially we white men, get a fraction of the same treatment women and minorities have been getting for hundreds of years and freak out over how unfair it is. And that's an excuse to demand everyone use kid gloves when talking about these issues?

If you're only doing the right thing because people recognize you for it, I suggest you may not really be doing the right thing. If you're a good person, then you should understand why the average woman may show fear and caution when encountering an unknown man.

Things like the bear meme aren't asking about YOU. When people say "I'd rather choose the bear than a man" they aren't saying every man. Yes, the generalization stings when you think about it being applied to yourself. But if you truly understand the issues and the hypothetical you understand that the answer isn't about you. It's about what women have learned to expect when encountering a man they don't already know well enough based on prior experience

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Oh look, he willfully distorts things too! Tell me about free speech next so I can complete my bingo card

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It's a holiday involving an animal mascot known for its active sex life, and painting eggs in fabulous colorful decoration.

Sounds pretty much on message for Trans Day of Visibility if you ask me 🤷

Just to make absolutely sure: you are POSITIVE that the device you've been renting is a MoCA-WAN router, and NOT a cable modem?

In the US at least, most of the single-unit devices that receive a coax input are DOCSIS 3.x, not MoCA. They are combining two pieces of hardware in a single physical unit: a docsis modem and a router.

Prior to having fiber internet, when my provider was Comcast, I owned two separate devices instead of renting the single device from my ISP: a DOCSIS 3.1 modem from Arris, and a standard Ethernet router

Just want to make sure you are absolutely confident about what your ISP is actually providing before you spend money on new hardware :)

Or read the article instead of the bullshit click bait headline

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Yeah, that's a line you don't cross in PR ever. "Cry more, I like it" is just not the message you want to send.

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Go vote. Help other people vote. Make sure people are registered to vote, locally and in other states via online call-banks.

Nothing else matters. Secure the vote and protect the vote.

Vibe check is your scope declaration (class?)

num is obviously your int class

fr? is your Boolean class

if __ no cap is ' if __ then', if cap is 'else', sheesh ends the conditional

flex __ on the haters is your echo/print

frfr is your scope ending

This is an issue called "standing". In the American legal system, in order to bring a case to court, you must have proper legal standing to make whatever argument or claim you're trying to make.

For example, I can't sue someone that harms my neighbor. I don't have standing to do so. My neighbor has to be the one to do it.

The ruling in this case essentially says that only the federal government has standing to bring Section 2 complaints

It's a crappy ruling and will almost certainly be overturned because it makes no sense to have the federal government be the one responsible for enforcing local violations of the VRA

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Before I block you I'll be kind and make one genuine attempt to help you learn:

Just like nobody is required to invite someone into their home, nobody is required to listen to someone either. And nobody is required to let them loiter on their property (the server) and act like a douche to their guests (the users).

They are facing the consequences of their actions. People don't like them and instead of considering why that might be and adjusting, you simply complain that people are kicking them out of the party.

They are not owed an audience. They do not have a right to be heard.

Edit: request to be blocked granted

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Good. They deserve the support. And unfortunately these companies have already dealt with harassment from these lunatics and can provide useful guidance on how to handle them.

I really hope none of their staff are scared away from the industry, even though they have every right to be under the circumstances.

I don't think the administration is making this move predicated on "putting children's safety first". They're doing it because using funds that are earmarked for social safety net purposes (providing more support for families in need) to instead punish those who are in need of those funds - even when that punishment is deserved - does not address the thing the money was intended to resolve and this the request for funds is disingenuous.

We can roleplay this...

Person 1: "Hey, can I borrow $50? My impoverished sister can't afford food for her family this week."

Person 2: "Sure, here you go. Wait, what are you doing?"

Person 1: "Well, I think my neighbor might be neglecting their kids so I spent that $50 on investigating them, just in case."

Person 2: "But I gave you the money to help your sister, not to investigate someone who may or may not have done anything wrong"

You see the problem?

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Koichiro Ito was the producer, NOT the director who is famous for creating those movies

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"I'm doing my part 🫡"

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Koichiro Ito was the producer, NOT the director who is famous for creating those movies

And no, Your Name is not like that at all

You're not listening. YOU are not portrayed as a predator. YOU need to take a backseat for the betterment of the lives of the victims of injustice. Just because something isn't your fault doesn't mean it's not your responsibility to deal with it when you are in the class of people benefitting from the injustice.

As the other commentor said: punching up is very, very different than punching down.

When a specific person treats you, specifically, poorly because you're a man, THEN you can talk about how you are not a threat, and try to convey that you are actually an ally (which is questionable based on your reactions here). But when there is a conversation about average behavior and expectations, side with the victims. You are not a victim. You do not lose more than you gain from being a man. Maybe you get weird looks when you're solo-parenting but you still make $1 to a woman's $0.79 or whatever the number is today for soemeone in the same job.

So please, stop focusing on yourself. It's selfish. Try to think about the bigger picture. And yeah, take one for the team when it comes to memes about bears

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You try telling 6th grade boys whose parents failed to raise them properly to be more sensitive

There. Fixed that for you.

Place the blame where it should be: on the parents, for raising misogynist, violent little shits. And the boys for, you know, being misogynist, violent little shits.

I'm seriously sick of people arguing this stuff is "just boys being boys". It's not. It's learned behavior. All of it.

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I don't think the reason they're being used is relevant to their problem though. "Think like an attacker" wins the day here: as an attacker, I don't care what it's meant for, only how I can use it to my advantage. If it's something they observed as a problem, I understand why they would want to stop it.

As for "-", yeah, I don't have a particularly good explanation for that one except the assumption that it's something similar to + addressing on a different service.

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Oh my god Gretchen

Not at all! Your Name, Weathering With You, and Suzume are all extremely thoughtful, heartfelt stories with moving characters and deep messages. They are some of the best anime has to offer and I highly recommend them

The closest thing is in Your Name, a movie about two teenagers who body-swap over long distance. They are different genders and so there is a scene in which the movie explores the awkwardness of the situation. It's handled tastefully and accurately for what you would expect from a couple of teenagers. (It's important to note that in Japanese culture the sexuality of teenagers is something that is not stigmatized the way it is in Western culture, and contextually appropriate explanations of that subject are not considered overtly lewd). They do become romantically interested in each other so you can imagine it's not exactly simple, but I never felt it crossed the line into perverted. You can see a series of screenshots that include a few frames from this scene here:

That's why I posted it multiple times (3 to be precise, not exactly spam IMO, in response to misleading comments). These are genuinely masterful works of art and I hate to see them tainted by slander.

Because the argument they are trying to refute is "in general, if you give people free money, they won't use it on the things they should be using it on, they'll just be lazy because they're obviously bad with money."

They are NOT trying to refute the (pointless) argument that "there are some homeless people who would waste free money on things like drugs and alcohol".

They are refuting the general argument against UBI, not the specific argument against individual people

Punching up and punching down are extremely different and your comparison is deeply disingenuous.

Black men don't hold positions of power in society simply by being black. Black men don't get off with nothing but a slap on the wrist for serial sexual assault because "we don't want to ruin the promising life he has ahead of him".

Knock it off with the false equivalence.

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Good job telling on yourself! This is my favorite part of the meme.

You don't have to be a predator to enable and protect predators.

Try listening to women next time instead of being, you know, exactly the thing they're talking about 👍