Grisham on Trump’s meeting with Orbán: ‘He wants to be a dictator’ to politics – 370 points –
Grisham on Trump’s meeting with Orbán: ‘He wants to be a dictator’

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your accusation of dishonesty is bad faith. i'm engaging entirely with the facts here.

this paper doesn't even acknowledge the role the party finances and other resources played in the nomination process, tilting the results at the polls before many voters even had a chance to voice their preference.

Oh look at all that good hard evidence you are providing. Very convincing. It's not just "forget your hard evidence. Look at my vague accusations that make me suspicious!"

Do you realize that I've had "debates" with Trump supporters that follow virtually the same exact pattern? It's funny how much my fellow Sanders supporters can sound like Trump supporters.

i'm not a sanders supporter. i'm an anarchist.

I apologize. I thought you had said something earlier about supporting Sanders, and when I've had this debate before it's almost always been with another Sanders supporter.

But good on you on not having a horse in the race and still demonstrating confirmation bias.

>Do you realize that I’ve had “debates” with Trump supporters that follow virtually the same exact pattern?

i'm not interested in a debate at all.

i’m not interested in a debate at all.

Pretty standard response after a failed argument.

more posturing and rhetoric

lol. I provided you are scientific paper studying the election. And it's just posturing and rhetoric. I'm beginning to think this might just be trolling. If so, well done.