Plastic tea bags to Mildly – 465 points –

I decided to have a green tea because it's healthier than soda. It's healthier, right?


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I don’t seem to have any local stores nearby. T_T

I have been really disappointed by the times I've ordered from a shop online (even one that came highly recommended on forums) that I hadn't previously visited in person. So now I default to a shop that I stopped by on a trip to Chicago once: They have a good supply of the basics (eg English breakfast tea) that are decent quality and very well priced, perfect for everyday tea. For special occasion teas, I was very impressed by a place in Portland, OR I visited: A lot more expensive but quality to match.

Nowadays I try to make a habit of stopping by tea shops when visiting new cities, and taking note of which specialty teas each has, their price points, etc. I've about five or so that I rotate ordering from at this point.

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