How IT People See Each Other

Admiral to Programmer – 1022 points –

Not OC: Just found this on my old hard drive while grabbing some other stuff.


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But Admiral Patrick, how dare your ancient memes from times long forgotten not meet our modern expectations? Do you at least have a proper shitposting license?

I'll post mine as reference, may you gaze upon it and ponder the shortcomings of your horrible artifact-ridden memes!

An artifact ridden and overcompressed image of a man labelled "me" holding the mythical "Shitposting License", with the caption "What gives u the right to flood my newsfeed with ur crap memes?"

Funny thing is, I did upscale it a little bit. The original was worse xD

Lol, it is indeed one of the cleaner versions that I remember having seen, nice work! ^, ^

Image of a box labelled "Memories", with RAM memory sticks inside.