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Joined 7 months ago

Yup, our everybody's dear Ursula. I realize that Europe has many institutes and multiple unions, but I feel that the EU best represents Europe as a whole. And, of the multiple bodies the EU is made of, the European Commission often lays face to news and is said to hold the most "power".

Yes, the USA is a master of making itself seem much more powerful and important than it really is, and what do news outlets love more than painting the devil onto the walls? Denmark living in the USA's pocket doesn't help much either.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if more Europeans know the presidents of China, Russia, and the USA than know the name of our own European prime minister, which would be pretty sad if actually true.

Of course it's important to know what other countries are up to, and the EU is currently reliant on the USA for conflict handling (please make a joint European army), but unless you plan to intervene then I see no reason to fanatically follow their politics. Just tell me whether we'll have to deal with some ancient inept dude, or another ancient inept dude who has managed to weaponize incompetence.

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Welcome to my rock, i guess.

I'm vaguely aware that the USA is gearing up for another political tragedy, but who, living outside of the USA, actually follows that stuff? Can't influence the outcome much either way if you can't vote, except perhaps by spreading propaganda.

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Could be worse, could be XBox. shudders

So, in short:

  • Google is not killing ad blockers, but merely chopping off both legs and arms in the name of security.
  • ublock Origin is implementing a lite version for chromium browsers, supposedly being pretty decent given the circumstances.
  • Old Manifest V2 extensions will be disabled in June 2024 and Manifest V2 will be removed in June 2025.
  • Firefox is Firefox.
  • Privacy and security focused chromium based browsers will have to implement proper native ad blocking.

Huh? Isn't this about Microsoft changing out a button with a well established use, in order to take advantage of muscle memory and the unobservant?

Don't think it's much to do with people opposing technological advancement, but rather with opposing another company wanting to making a fool of them.

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I personally started by playing around with Ubuntu, but it just didn't feel intuitive coming from windows.

Went over to Mint, and was very happy,especially with drivers and gaming. I even fully removed my windows installation during this period. Having gained a better understanding of Linux, I have now moved on again.

The only real drawback of Mint is not natively supporting KDE Plasma (as they did before). And yes, you can just install it yourself, but I wouldn't recommend a beginner who barely knows how to install Linux to attempt such an endevour.

One word of advice to OP: don't wait till you can't use Windows anymore. Start by dual booting and getting a hang of Linux, but with windows at the ready for any tasks you cannot yet do/feel comfortable doing on Linux. As you get a better hold of Linux, you should naturally begin to use Windows less.

The worst thing someone can do, is to jump OS without any backup or safety net. Learning to use Windows took a long time, getting a hang of new concepts and getting used to an alien environment. Now, already having a hang of "computers" (Windows), we have digital needs and expectations (E-Mail, gaming, etc.) which will need fulfilling, but many seem to forget that a different OS means different ways of doing our daily tasks and different challenges to handle.

And yes, "different", because Windows definitely also comes with it's own unique challenges, you just don't see them as much when having gotten used to them.

And then links to a similar sounding but ultimately totally unrelated site.

Everything nowadays that attempts to give back a little autonomy or freedom to the user is called piracy.

As long as an app could theoretically be used for piracy, even if it was made to circumvent toxic behavior of users' bought and paid for products, then it must be properly labelled as piracy and taken down.

I'll better stop before this becomes a rant.

Where do you live, OP?

In Denmark it goes in the same category as not driving when the light is green or keeping to the left on the highway.

While you seldomly see someone get fined for it, taking more than two turns in the roundabout is considered an obstruction of traffic, and therefore illegal.

Leather jacket

Floral armless shirt

Rainbow stribed speedos


Hope the preview works right.

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The rich Americans are seldomly native Amaricans, so the meme is right about the immigrants holding all the money.

Or make a shortcut/link in the readme to the newest release of the most popular OS's.

A decent release page tends to contain all kinds of files for different OS, so 'regular' people who just want the .deb or .exe would likely become confused regardless.

AI is a very broad term, ranging from physical AI (material and properties of a robotic grabbing tool) to AI (as seen in many games, or in a robotic arm to calculate path from current position to target position) and to MLAI (LLM, neural nets in general, KNN, etc.).

I guess it's much the same as asking "are vehicles bad?". I don't know, are we talking horse carriages? Cars? Planes? Electric scooters? Skateboards?

Going back to your question, AI in general is not bad, though LLMs have become too popular too quick and have thus ended up being misunderstood and misused. So you can indeed say that LLMs are bad, at least when not used for their intended purposes.

Well, they're experts in the field, so they'd probably be able to detect them too.

But we'll still need a proper place to support our favorite creators (where the artists actually receive some of the money). I wonder where people will migrate next.

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Makes sense, I thought it was about goons (crime) or gooning (evil goon voice "what up, boss?", "Yes boss").

The Baltic sea just had a once-in-a-century storm surge this fall. There was little danger since the baltic sea is rather well protected, but many local dikes weren't up for the job, resulting in quite some damage (in general, the houses on my island were mostly unscathered).

Took us the better of two months to drain the water from the island, and in the meantime we had to hike along the more robust dikes to get to the harbor.

We also had to empty our lakes of saltwater to attempt and save our fire-bellied toads, as the Copenhagen Zoo is trying to preserve the species on the island.

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Haven't heard about that one, thank you for the heads-up.

First impressions:

  • From top 10 artists i follow:
    • 5/10 have profile and uploaded at least one song on Bandcamp.
    • 3/10 have an account on Audius (possibility to donate).
    • 1/10 has uploaded at least one song on Audius.
  • One MUST upload a profile picture to create an account.
    • About 1/3 of proposed artists during account creation have uploaded <5 songs, most seem to be remix and cover artists.
    • Didn't figure out how to search for artists during account creation, ended up choosing 2/3 artists I've never heard of.
  • Not immediately apparent whether I can download bought music to a lossless format.
  • Not sure how to buy album or individual song at first glance.
  • LOTS of remixes and covers, not so much original songs (this is both good and bad).
  • Nice that you can donate arbitrary amount without buying anything, in case you already got the music from... other places...
    • I didn't find anyplace where "$AUDIO" is explained, how much the artist receives, or what you receive if anything.

Less relevant observations:

  • weird pause/play button, sometimes there's just a loading wheel spinning where it's supposed to be, not really functional.
  • Slightly intrusive, had to disable some plugins (Javascript (obviously it's playing music) and fingerprinting (cloudflare?)) for the site to load. Not relevant to music, but just a general observation since we're in the piracy community.

Not much going on by now, but it probably just needs some time to grow and assimilate the likely soon-to-be-migrating Bandcamp user base. I'll keep an eye on it, and probably revisit it once more artists have migrated to it.

Blue and Red Heavy from Team Fortress 2 fan made movie "Pootis Ultimate" agreeing that "both is good".

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“Fixed issue with ssl python libs,” or “Minor bugfixes.”

Red bird going "Hahaha, No!"

In other news, never work more than one person on a branch (that's why we have them). Make a new related issue with its own branch and rebase whenever necessary, and don't even think about touching main or dev with anything but a properly reviewed and approved PR (in case they aren't already protected), or I'll find and report you to the same authority that handles all the failed sudo requests!

Also, companies that disable rebasing are my bane. While you can absolutely do without, i much prefer to have less conflicts, cleaner branches and commits, easier method to pull in new changes from dev, overall better times for the reviewer, and the list goes on. Though, the intern rewriting multiple branches' history which they have no business pushing to is also rather annoying.

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Most foreboding quote 2024.

Very interesting, and good to hear.

Though, I'm not sure why they would drive a turbine to drive a generator, instead of just driving the generator directly. Their illustration doesn't show any turbines either.

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Now LLMs are even taking the jobs of professional trolls! What's gonna be next? The scambots loosing their jobs to LLMs?!

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People who rely too heavily on autocorrect do already now cause misunderstandings by writing something they did not intend to.

I had a friend during uni who was dyslectic, and while the words in his messages were written proper you still had to guess the context from the randomly thrown together words he presented you with.

Now that we can correct not only a single word or roughly the structure of a sentence, but instead fabricate whole paragraphs and articles by providing a single sentence, I imagine we will see a stark increase in low-quality content, accidental false information, and easily preventable misunderstandings - More than we already have.

The "language" setting would be vastly more useful if you could select a default post language, as well as apps implementing language as a choice when making a comment.

You'll never be in doubt whether I posted something from app or web, as I actually have the possibility to specify the language when using the web interface, which otherwise is "undefined" by default.


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Go to your profile settings and unselected "undefined" under your languages. Make sure that "English" is still selected.

You'll be unable to see the majority of content, but this is the easiest method if you really don't want to see any content from non-English speaking countries.

Don't we also use AI to fold proteins and make new medicines such as antibiotics? If not, then we should probably see if we could.

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OP might be talking about the steam link app, and not the steam link. But yes, the post is confusing.

I'm more concerned about fog lights, emergency lights, and Window heating, as law usually requires you to be able to use them if conditions require it.

They didn't even use pictures of the cases, they just write about gardening with a picture of proper gardening tools.

Stacked on top, and vertical orientation since we're not doing Java here!

Thank you for the explanation.

As someone not too familiar with American cultures, I'd probably make an assumption and go for the (to me) more masculine bird over the docile and flower loving bee, since bees have stingers that they normally would never use and birds have beaks/peckers.

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But Admiral Patrick, how dare your ancient memes from times long forgotten not meet our modern expectations? Do you at least have a proper shitposting license?

I'll post mine as reference, may you gaze upon it and ponder the shortcomings of your horrible artifact-ridden memes!

An artifact ridden and overcompressed image of a man labelled "me" holding the mythical "Shitposting License", with the caption "What gives u the right to flood my newsfeed with ur crap memes?"

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For those wondering how to exceed the 70 (80) recommended character limit and still follow best practices:

  1. Write the title on the first line, keep below 70 characters.
  2. Make two (2) newlines
  3. Write one or more descriptive paragraphs.

The first line will be shown as commit message, and the full text can usually be viewed by checking out the commit. Sentences can span multiple lines, but try to keep the line length below 70 characters for best readability.

This off the top of my head, so feel free to correct me if I've misremembered the best practices.

But isn't the definition of a turbine "a type of machine through which liquid or gas flows and turns a special wheel with blades in order to produce power" with the "power" (aka. rotational energy) going to a generator?

Where does the liquid or gas come from? Isn't this battery supposed to lift heavy, solid objects?

It doesn't outright state that it uses solid weights, but their illustration looks more like they'd use a lift with sand or weights, and not a turbine with liquid or steam:


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I have no clue why you had to include an image, but it appears you broke rule 6 in doing so.

I haven't owned many tablets so far, but can't you get some tablets with SIM-slots? What would prevent one from just using such a tablet as a phone?

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Lol, it is indeed one of the cleaner versions that I remember having seen, nice work! ^, ^

Image of a box labelled "Memories", with RAM memory sticks inside.

All in all? I don't like it. Looks like a template taken from Soulless MoneyGrab Inc. but with some added steam elements.

Change and innovation is not bad, but while perhaps not especially beautifully, the current user interface is pretty decent in the storm that is nowadays "looks over function"-mentality.

Edit: but as others have said, it would be nice if there was some kind of theme selector so people can make their own choices, or just fine tune Big Picture mode as it already follows a more simplified and stylished theme.