Gangsters, Money and Murder: How Chinese Organized Crime Is Dominating America’s Illegal Marijuana Market

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Gangsters, Money and Murder: How Chinese Organized Crime Is Dominating America’s Illegal Marijuana Market

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Just fucking legalize it already.

too bad both presidential candidates are old and conservative

and Biden is Religious with a prosecutor for a vice president to boot who has backtracked on most of his campaign promises including his ones on cannabis which he did on day one of his presidency

legalization is decades away and with states and Native Americans legalizing the trouble for citizens will only get worse

there are already border patrol style policing going on at the borders of legal states, cities that are half recreational and or medical and half illegal, and thousands left imprisoned

that is yet another failed promise wrangling in the police even going as far as turning a blind eye to cop city

already a shit show and just going to get worse

How is trouble for states and reservations going to get worse? Every year more nonviolent drug offenders are released. Not enough of them are being released but a token amount. There's no legislation coming down the pipe to increase penalties for minor users and already delta-9 is legal and freely sold. Where are you getting your data?

cops are still arresting people

That does not qualify for the modifier worse. It's still bad. But it's not yet getting worse.

Cop City

Journalist and protesters in the US killed or imprisoned by cops

Corporations using prison labor

More things are qualifying as jailable offenses such as people's social status or medical conditions/events/etcetera or jobs

Cops are increasingly more prone to protect corporate interests over the public's (who wrote that story The Last Capitalist the one were one man owned the earth including oxygen and sold it with cops protecting him?)

a president who back tracked on every campaign promise to address policing issues

the next election is against two people want to continue doing all the above and more

barely leave just for the grocery store anymore

it is getting worse your next trip outside could involve a black bag over our heads

fucking dystopian horror show like out there

Yes policing in this country in general is getting worse. The school to prison pipeline using SROs to imprison children is abhorrent and you didn't even mention it.

However your initial argument is that weed convictions are getting worse. And there's nothing to support that claim.

What you are mentioning are general broad stroke ills that we have to, as Americans address by holding our leaders accountable, voting in local elections and uplifting marginalized intersectional voices to the national level.

Shit is dire, but we have to be specific and precise in our criticism or we'll be discounted outright.

Leftists have to work so much harder to even be heard let alone change anything, and we cannot do that without precise irrefutable positions and easily understood and concise points.