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Joined 9 months ago

It doesn't, it's just that going from zero to 1/4" inch of hair is a lot more noticeable than going from 1 to 1.25 inches.

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Can you post the list of 56 emotions? I would hate to burn a good story on Anger when Resentment is right around the corner and more applicable.

No, she barely won district 3 and so switched to the safer district 4 for the upcoming election. Adam Frisch, the Dem who almost defeated Boebert last time around is going up against first-timer Jeff Hurd.

Genuinely surprised they haven't called for jus primae noctis yet.

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Oh shit am I the camel?

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"Come On, Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners. Fucking hate it. Mainly for the video, but also because it is horrible.

He's up for re-election right now. Here's his opponent's campaign site.

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Happily married for 10 years, but my wife's independent streak was one of the main things that attracted me to her. We share plenty, but it's always been important to us to have our own hobbies, friend groups, and private time. I don't want to be her whole reason for living and I don't want her to be mine.

I don't like to kink-shame but those all sound like horrible people.

Yay we are saved...

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We have a mayor, some people complain a out her, others don't. I sat next to her at the airport once. That's all I know.

What he means is, "I don't want to have to deal with this once I'm President again," and what he does not mean, in any way, is "I give a shit about the situation in Gaza."

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The need to make everything into a competition or to one-up any story or anecdote.

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Is there enough time for any of them to get on the ballot?

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She's an enemy of the state in the USA.

/low-hanging fruit.

Want to make a "firing range" pun, but nothing's coming to me...leaving this as a placeholder in case inspiration strikes later.

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I'm voting for Harris. I don't need to watch a pep rally to convince me.

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That's why we don't bother having employment laws. So much easier this way!

You're supposed to be out of office, get off of Outlook.

Ok, boomer.

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I just assumed that 21 other things already existed.

Eat enough alphabet soup to give yourself diarrhea then look at what comes out. Same effect.

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I was planning to join the military after high school. It was a 3 hour drive to the closest MEPS (military entrance processing station), so the local recruiters only made the trip out there once a week. I already had my date set when another guy dropped out, so my recruiter asked if I was interested in going a week earlier. I said absolutely, because I was dead et on being in the Army, so what difference did one more week make?

So that's how I enlisted on Sept 5th, 2001...

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Not a movie, but there was a period of time when my parents' house had them living upstairs, my older brother, his wife, and their young son living in the converted basement, and me temporarily staying in a guest bedroom after I had just gotten out of the Army. And we all worked at the family pizza restaurant together.

It was the perfect TGIF sitcom scenario.

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Trump supporters already have the impression that all the potential jurors are out to get Trump, because their whole worldview necessitates a constant attitude of victimhood.

It's only one extra number.

I got my vasectomy done through Planned Parenthood. I had to go in for a screening first where they asked questions like, "Are you sure you want to do this?" and I said yeah and they said, "Really sure?" and I said yeah, so they said "OK cool, come back in two weeks and we'll snip snip."

Very easy process, highly recommend.

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Too goddamn early in the day for them to get my hopes up like that. Probably just meant Trump either forgot or lied about when his birthday is.

My Hotmail account, which I've had since high school. Oldest email in there is from 2002, but I think I opened it up in 2000.

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No can do, high crimes aren't against the law.

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It's easier when "everything they want" is just to shit the bed and blame others for it.

And even though Dems are the minority, they're still the ones doing all the work to keep the lights on.

He did, but it just went in the diaper.

I genuinely thought I read a story about Ben Carson dying a couple years back.

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It's called sundowning.

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Just fucking legalize it already.

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I'm leaning towards horrible. If your tips are tax-free, I'm gonna cut your wages. What do you care? Go out there and make more tips! Shake that money maker, honey!

And why should waitresses and bar staff have all the luck? Doesn't everyone deserve tax-free tips? Tip your grocery cashier! Tip your nurse! Tip the guy at the bank who approves the loan you need to afford giving tips to everyone, as the weight of providing a living to everyone you interact with shifts away from the business owners and shareholders and onto your shoulders!

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But how your body senses a full bladder isn’t known. Certain proteins can be activated by cells being stretched or squeezed. One gene, called PIEZO2, holds the instructions to make such proteins. PIEZO2 has been shown to play a role in sensing mechanical stimulation, including touch, vibration, pain, and proprioception (the awareness of one’s body in space).