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☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml to Open Source@lemmy.ml – 37 points –

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I was looking for something like this as a private alternative to GitHub/GitLab last month. Awesome to stumble across this.

It's just a git repo, so it does not replace a forge. A forge provides a lot of services around the repo and makes the project discoverable for potential users. None of that is covered by this thing.

I frankly see little value wrapping a decentralized version control system into layers of cryptography that hides where the data is actually stored (and how long it is going to be stored). Just mirror the repo a couple of times and you have pretty good protection against the code going offline again and you are done. No cryptography needed, and you get a lot of extras, too.

If you do not like github: Use other forges. Self-host something, go to Codeberg or sourcehut, use something other than git like pijul or fossil, or whatever tickles your fancy. Unfortunately you will miss out on a lot of potential contributors and users there :-(

Um... It's literally hosting itself, complete with issues and PRs (which they call patches). So to me it seems to replace a forge.

For private repos, it could be quite a good fit. No need for other contributors/users.

If you want to host your own github-type server, there is no need to demean yourself by even going near crypto scams. try any of these https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted?tab=readme-ov-file#software-development---project-management

there are also various instances of these softwares available if you prefer to sign up to someone else's server than DIYing.

I'm already on an independent git forge, so I have that covered.

I only read the protocol document and skimmed the guide, so I didn't see the cryptocurrency angle of the funding company. Yeah, that's a bit of a warning sign.