☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

@☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
948 Post – 1324 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

I find I like coffee in the mornings, but prefer tea in the afternoon.

Curious to know what do you think a brain is exactly?

The United States has done far more harm than good for humanity at large. The individualistic values it champions have led to a society that is fragmented and leaves many citizens in misery. Its global hegemony has resulted in the destruction of numerous countries, with countless lives lost due to its military interventions, coups, and regime change operations around the world. Moreover, the US's extractive policies have prevented other nations from developing their own economies, perpetuating a cycle of underdevelopment and dependency. Additionally, as one of the largest consumers of energy per capita and major producers of fossil fuels, the United States is among the worst offenders when it comes to climate change, exacerbating global environmental crises with its unsustainable practices.

Biological neural networks can do things that artificial ones can't, and use far less energy.

Indeed, this seems like a big step forward, and here's a link to the model https://github.com/ridgerchu/matmulfreellm

Software just has to be good enough that people put up with it. Once you get users on the system, you make it difficult to move your data out which acts as a lock in mechanism. The company that can make a minimally usable product that people are willing to put up with will typically beat one making a really good product that takes longer to get to market.

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Another aspect of the problem is that people making the decision of what programs to use don't actually have to use them.

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Linux and open source in general completely blow apart capitalist arguments that profit motive is necessary for innovation and technological advancement. Open source ecosystem primarily run by volunteers has produces some of the most interesting and innovative technologies that we've seen. The reality is that people make interesting things because they're curious and they enjoy making stuff. Pretty much nobody makes anything interesting with profit being the primary motive.

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You can thank capitalism for this, back at the dawn of the internet it was largely just regular people running sites and building organic networks. Then the internet started getting commercialized, and the tech started turning increasingly user hostile and exploitative.

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one of my favorite takes on this subject is from This Soviet World by Anna Louise Strong:

First, just want to say thanks for building and maintaining Lemmy. It's an incredible project, and it provides an incredibly valuable public forum that's completely open. This is the way internet was always meant to work before it got hijacked by corporations.

The questions I'd like to ask would be whether the platform is developing in the way you originally envisioned, what surprised you in terms of how the platform ended up being used in the wild, and what were the biggest technical and non technical problems that came from the rapid growth after the Reddit migration. And finally, how would you like the platform to evolve going forward, and what your long term vision is.

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That tends to be the case for vast majority of anti-communists out there.

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I imagine that the dynamic here is reminiscent of the western media's self-censorship. Western journalists learn to conform to certain standards and topics because they understand what kinds of articles are more likely to be published and advance their careers. This is largely influenced by the preferences of media company owners and advertisers, creating a selection pressure for content producers to conform to these expectations.

In contrast, in China, censors strive to identify potentially politically sensitive content and tend to err on the side of more aggressive censorship. This is due to the understanding that being overly cautious in such matters will not result in negative consequences, encouraging a more conservative approach to content regulation.

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I find the microblog model to be fairly limiting. It's good for posting quips, memes, and news, but it's terrible for having any sort of a meaningful interactions. A forum like Lemmy facilitates much more interesting discussions.

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People are anti-capitalist because they're increasingly realizing that it's an abominable system that's based on mass exploitation of the working class by people who own capital, and it produces oligarchical political systems such as seen in US and many other western countries that tantamount to living under the dictatorship of capitalists.

Capitalism is responsible for some of the worst atrocities in human history including things like the African slave trade, barbarism associated with colonization of America, countless famines such as the Irish and Indian famines, and never ending wars.

Today, capitalist need for growth and consumerism is literally destroying our very habitat that we all depend on at a planetary scale. Either capitalism ends or humanity will end.

Software development here. Never, ever, connect your appliances to the internet, and check whether appliances you buy have an offline mode as some are now aggressively forcing users to connect in order to use them.

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European settlers committed genocide in America on such an incredible scale that the global climate cooled.

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A distributed knowledge base is indeed an excellent concept since it enhances resilience against potential disruptions or manipulations compared to a centralized database like Wikipedia. By distributing servers across numerous countries and legal jurisdictions, it becomes more challenging for any single entity to censor the content. Furthermore, the replication of data through federation ensures higher durability and reliability in preserving valuable information. Kudos on making it happen!


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Congratulations on yet another release filled with enhancements that improve user experience. 🎉

While people in the west have been smugly pointing fingers at China, their own governments did everything they've been denouncing in China and worse. Congratulations.

Not being encumbered by patents is a huge advantage for MP3s going forward, and the reality is that MP3 is good enough for vast majority of situations. The improvements newer formats like AAC bring are not worth the trouble of being chained to a proprietary format.

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I think there's a zero chance China would allow the sale. Imagine the precedent giving into such mob tactics would set. US could just go after any successful Chinese company doing business in US and demand that it's sold off to American oligarchs.

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Indeed, the corps did a whole campaign lobbying for permissive licenses precisely so they could plunder open source work. Hard copyleft should be used for any serious project.

A very warm welcome to our comrades from Hexbear!

Ukraine is winning and Russia is collapsing.

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The idea that these things wouldn't exist without commercial analogs is silly. You do realize that things like BBS boards and IRC existed long before commercial social media platforms right? In fact, we might've seen things like social media evolve in completely different directions if not for commercial platforms setting standards based on attracting clicks, and monetizing users.

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Believing that capitalism lifts people out of poverty.

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I just took it directly from the article, but sure I'll update it.

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The only reason Bard is free for now is because Google is building up a base of users who become invested in the service before turning it into a subscription. The business model will clearly be to sell the access to the service, and people being able to run their own models is the core danger for them.

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looks like we have a lost redditor on our hands here

Indeed, you couldn't pay me enough to go back to the office at this point. Also, imagine the amount of cars this removes from the road each and every day.

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The fact that the issue exists after 4 years clearly shows that you are in fact blowing it out of proportion. Actual issues that affect large numbers of people running servers end up being addressed by people contributing to the project. Lemmy is an open source project that anybody can contribute to, and fix the issues that are affecting them. The fact that this hasn't happened shows that this issue is not as high priority as you want to make it out to be.

This doesn't mean this isn't a real issue that should be fixed at some point, but it's simply not the show stopper you paint to be.

So yeah, you are absolutely doing a hack job here.

China's been working on these trains for over a decade now, there's nothing sudden about it. Also weird to think that what Japan did can't be replicated, if you look at the picture of the actual Chinese maglev train it too has a large nose structure https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/china-fastest-maglev-train-intl-hnk/index.html

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That's the huge advantage of trains in my opinion. Instead of having to drive out to the airport, and deal with check in, boarding, and so on, you just go to the train station downtown and get off downtown of the city you want to go to. That alone saves a ton of time and hassle.

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Biggest and most popular projects are attractive to companies as well as individuals for the same reasons. However, the original point was that companies are not needed for open source to exist or for innovation to happen.

Living through fall of communism in USSR and the start of capitalist era. One of the memories I have from the period is when food shortages started happening. All the families in my neighborhood would end up lining up at the store early in the morning like black friday, and then the store would just wheel out a cart with whatever they had that day, and people would rush in to grab it. Me being a small kid at the time, I could squeeze between people and get to the cart quicker than my parents. So, I was basically risking my life being trampled to death just so I wouldn't starve that day.

TLDR: fuck capitalism.

And they were very close to doing just that until the west stepped in and told Ukraine to stop negotiating https://www.aaronmate.net/p/ukraines-top-negotiator-confirms

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