Behind the scenes, Biden has grown angry and anxious about re-election effort

🔰Hurling⚜️Durling🔱 to – 189 points –
Behind the scenes, Biden has grown angry and anxious about re-election effort

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It's possible to support 3rd parties in the US. Just not for the 2024 presidential case. If you really want to support them, unfortunately you will have to do more than just appear at the ballot box.

3rd parties in the US are impossible while we still have first past the post voting. One party has consistently been the one to support & pass RCV, while the other has consistently repealed & banned it. Guess which is which?

If you want 3rd parties to be a viable option, you need to vote Democrats. And more on the ground activism, I agree with you there

If you want 3rd parties to be a viable option, you need to vote Democrats.

HOO. That would be like democrats voting for their own destruction. One of the only things Republicans and Democrats agree on is our current 2 party system, as it perpetuates them into eternity without any real competition and enable them to use wedge issues to get votes instead of doing actual work.

Ok doomer. That's entirely false. I provided sources showing, as I said, that Dems support RCV and GOP does not. Tell me: which party instituted RCV in North Carolina? And which party repealed it under the guise of "voter security"?