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Surely scalping can be addressed without infringing in my right to do what I like with my own damn property. Why is it better to let Tesla sue consumers than to just... limit the number of trucks a person can buy? 🤔

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I used to donate to Signal, and they made the stupidest fucking decision I've ever seen.

You used to be able to use signal (at least on Android) as your default messenger app, sending encrypted Signals to other users, or SMS to non-signal users. Have a normie family member who doesn't know about computers? Easy, set it & forget it.

Now? They removed that functionality, so it only works for other signal users. Someone else had a good metaphor: imagine if http and https needed different web browsers & you couldn't see one on the other. How well do you think https uptake would have been?

So fucking stupid.

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he wasn't trump. That's his whole platform, that's it.

Sorry, but this is one of those hyperbolic, uninformed, useless hot takes the Internet LOVES. You can literally look up his platform online, like so many places.

Here's Politifact tracking 99 of his campaign promises.
27 kept 5 compromised 1 broken 31 stalled 34 in the works

Polite reminder that third parties are not viable in a first past the post voting system, and that Democrats are the ones who have actually been instituting ranked choice voting (while Republicans are the ones taking it away & banning it)

Can we PLEASE, in the Trump / Brexit era, recognize how baseless accelerationism is? Have we not learned the lesson of

"Once these people do this terrible, stupid thing, they will realize how terrible & stupid it is"

-is completely false? And in fact tons of people will double down on the stupid terrible thing? They'll double down so much that they'll gladly swallow horse dewormer & bleach, and not get vaccinated, and literally die drowning in their own fluids before admitting that maybe that wasn't such a good idea?

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Hey folks, polite reminder that YOU (yes you!) can be on the DNC instead. If this headline upsets you, ask- why are you not on the rules & bylaws committee of your local Dems chapter?

People get upset at the DNC as if it's some mystical wizard that exists in a different dimension. BRO, what are you doing right now to get involved in the DNC you have such strong opinions about?

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Same. Don't care what reddit does now, cause I'm not there 🤷🏼‍♂️

Feminism. And general recognition of the struggles of minority people

Superdelegates didn't decide the 2016 election. And if you have any evidence of 2020 "rigging", I'd love to see it.

Excuse me, NO politician? Not Lucy McBath (D-Ga) who literally ran on gun control to flip her seat after her 17 yo son was shot to death by a white man over a noise complaint? Not "yes I will take your guns" Beto ORourke? Not literally-survived-being-shot -in-the-face Gabby Giffords?

You completely undermine these anti-gun politicians & the work they do when you deny they even exist.

Both parties

Sorry, but that's not true at all.

Democrats have consistently been the ones to institute RCV in the US, including in North Carolina, until Republicans repealed it. Like it or not, if you want rights these days, you need to vote Democrat.

Democrats consistently support ranked choice voting, Republicans consistently ban & overturn RCV. If you want rights, vote for Dems. It really is that simple

... has done nothing to stop the pandemic...


A year in, experts assess Biden's hits and misses on handling the pandemic:

Goal 1: Restore trust with the American people- Experts say on this front, the Biden administration has not made much progress, although they acknowledge how challenging a problem it is.

Goal 2: Mount a safe, effective, comprehensive vaccination campaign- His administration made huge strides in expanding vaccine supply and access, experts say.

Goal 3: Mitigate spread through expanding masking, testing, treatment, data, workforce and clear public health standards- This is an area where the administration has fallen short

Goal 4: Immediately expand emergency relief and exercise the Defense Production Act- The president scored an early win signing the American Rescue Plan into law- "this administration in particular has been quite skillful with respect to its use of the DPA."- Still, "the main message here is too little, too late on masks and testing," From Turner's perspective, the current supply problems have less to do with underutilized federal authority and more to do with the virus itself

Goal 5: Safely reopen schools, businesses and travel, while protecting workers- Schools continue to be a contentious issue the Supreme Court blocking the White House's attempt to require vaccination or tests for employers with 100 or more workers.

Goal 6: Protect those most at risk and advance equity, including across racial, ethnic and rural/urban lines- The administration has been "moderately successful" on this front, says Benjamin of the APHA.

Goal 7: Restore U.S. leadership globally and build better preparedness for future threats.- This "is certainly an area where the administration promised big but has fallen short so far," she adds.

You can criticize the Biden COVID response, which seems to be a mixed bag. But you absolutely cannot say he's done nothing. And he's certainly moved us in the right direction, unlike Trump who was the single largest driver of coronavirus misinformation.

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The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers says:

“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers."

And I hate to tell you this, but if you want a president who doesn't back down on any campaign promises, you will never, EVER be satisfied. Because realistic promises don't inspire voters & win elections, optimism does (at least for Dems, GOP prefers fear)

were are

I agree, though is TLDR News that good? I see tons of their thumbnails but get weird vibes from them. Didn't they repeat Russian propaganda?

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With a Republican house?

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From this graph, it looks like you're suggesting the 2019 yield curve inversion predicted the 2020 coronavirus recession?

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There is little chance that Trump would do much worse than Biden

Bullshit. Trump praises & enables authoritarians worldwide, refused to support the two state solution, emboldened Israeli supremacists by recognizing Jerusalem as their capitol & moved the US embassy there, and cut aid to Palestinian refugees by 80%..

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Taiwan didn't just vote for Independence, they elected the China-skeptical candidate for President. It wasn't some Brexit-esque national referendum on Independence.

With approaches to reducing emissions we should take a "yes and" approach.

UGH, YES, THANK YOU! Perfect should not be the enemy of good.

50% of the US uses Android. All android phones can text each other & iPhones by default via SMS in the US. The United States is 300 million people, and also the literal home of the Signal Foundation.

You're right, that is a good analogy. Https used the same browser as http, and now https is widespread. Gopher needs a whole separate browser. It's niche. Good security only works if people actually use it.

Facing The Consequences of the Bill You Yourself Proposed is good actually, and should apply to both parties, yes.

The Russian Federation actually does give a fuck about climate... They want to make global warming worse. They get to sell more gas, they get more arable land up north, and they open up shipping routes in the Arctic. Putin is Captain Planet levels of evil, fr.

Are you linked up with Dems or any activist groups on the local level (city, county, etc)? Communication & organization will be key

I don't know if that would work for me, but that's super interesting, thank you for sharing!

A really secure messaging system is worthless if it's not used. SMS too insecure? Ok, change the UI to reflect that. Have an open lock symbol or eye. Notification reminders that it's insecure & nudge to invite your friend to Signal.

Boomer parents using Signal & now it doesn't support SMS? Congrats, now the app doesn't work to message the majority of their contacts. The average user isn't going to check if someone's on signal, send them an invite, then wait to message until they get the app. They'll just move to their (Android) default message app that literally works with all US phones. Congrats, now less signal users, gj .

BS, there are plenty of federal politicians who promote gun control, and there are even more state politicians who support it, as evidenced by the 3 states (CO, WA, MD) who passed gun control measures in 2023 alone .

When you say "no one's doing this & never will", you're completely undermine the people who literally are doing this right now.

Maybe. Probably some. But I think it's more accurate to say that for a lot of then, the suffering is acceptable.

On the Left Right and Center podcast, the conservative Rich Lowry once said it was ridiculous to say Republicans hate children. I think that's true in the sense of, if you left a baby alone in a room with a Republican, it would be ok. But if that Republican could earn a penny of profit from killing that kid, you better start planning that funeral cause they're toast.

Unfortunately, Republicans don't need Democrats to invent ways for them to be fascist, they're quite capable of finding opportunities on their own

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Very interesting thanks!

Interesting. How soon after an inversion does a recession need to happen for it to be considered "predicted"? It looks like the longest in your chart is the recession ~2 yrs after the 1978 inversion. The most recent inversion was July 2022. If we're not in recession by this summer, will that still be "predicted"? 2025? 2026?

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In the US on Android, unencrypted SMS messaging comes default. How do you propose getting a technologically illiterate boomer to not use SMS?

50% of the US uses Android. All android phones can text each other & iPhones by default via SMS in the US. The United States is 300 million people, and also the literal home of the Signal Foundation.

You're right, that is a good analogy. Https used the same browser as http, and now https is widespread. Gopher needs a whole separate browser. It's nice. Good security only works if people actually use it.

The "he's a dictator and never going to step down" fear mongering from last time turned out to be complete BS.


This should be #1

3rd parties in the US are impossible while we still have first past the post voting. One party has consistently been the one to support & pass RCV, while the other has consistently repealed & banned it. Guess which is which?

If you want 3rd parties to be a viable option, you need to vote Democrats. And more on the ground activism, I agree with you there

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