How much swap? to – 36 points –

I've heard a lot of people say your swap should be 2x RAM.. but do I really need 32GB of swap?


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Don't even bother with a SWAP partition. Create an empty file on your / partition so you can grow/shrink it as needed.

did if=/dev/zero of=/SWAP bs=1024m count=4
mkswap /SWAP
swapon /SWAP

This is the way! There's a catch with swap files on encrypted disks and hibernation but that's quite a special case. Edit: forgot to mention zswap, the compressed version of swap.

Not a golden rule. For example btrfs has limited support for swapfiles.

Of course there's no golden rule. But I've found this one to be pretty useful ! Didn't know about btrfs limitations though, thanks for the hint!