8 Post – 124 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

FOSS enthusiast living in Canada.

Every time that happens the fedi retains a good chunk of users. There's significant and stable growth throughout.

This also happened on reddit

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Tactical Velcro Opening might apply in this situation.

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Well known software built using Matrix. A lot of people have been following this project.

"as long as it's available" is as good as nothing imho.

So when do I get my refund?

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Every time I make a post on Lemmy it's instant karma. 😎

Same as tumblr, still around, but largely irrelevant.

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Lemmy went from a few thousand users with very little activity to 100k+ with constant activity. It was a massive success.

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Cost of doing business.

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Dude going 50-60km/h over the speed limit on the highway. For whatever reason his hood didn't latch properly and the high speed caused it to fling back, completely smashing the window and covering his view. He had to cross 2 lanes to pull over with no ability to see in front of him. Glad nobody got hurt. is the best. Large local instance, great uptime, good admins.

And we have a handful of large communities.

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I got rid of Signal after they added cryptocurrency to their app.

While I have no issues with cryptocurrency itself, it was a reminder that they have full control over the app. Now I happily use XMPP and Matrix for communication with friends and family.

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His code contributions have always been high quality, and they're audited by his peers. Its very unlikely malicious code would come from him, and even more unlikely it would make it through on to your phone.

While he's certainly unhinged, it's clear that he cares deeply for the project. I can't see him doing anything intentionally malicious.

I really wish him the best, and I'm glad he stepped down. Much better for optics with him out of the way.

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PeerTube! Check out TILvids for a good example.

Remote work means a lot of well paid individuals are able to move to less expensive areas, assuming internet is decent.

Aurora is a full replacement for the play store. I've been using fdroid as my only source for apps for years now. It has everything I need.

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The reason is privacy, everybody has a reason to use it.

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Liftoff. Just a plain, minimal, and stable experience.

As Lemmy grows reddit will shrink. Reddit might always be around, but that's the same crowd that uses Facebook. Stragglers be damned, many users found a new home and that's a big win in my books. The rest were shown how shitty and incompetent the management is at Reddit, and it'll only get worse until they lose more and more users.

And when Lemmy becomes compatible with the wider activitypub network, we'll gain another 9M users. (Its also closer to 200k now I believe.)

Once an account is deleted will you be able to make a new account with the old email? This could be a security nightmare for old accounts tied to google email addresses.

Cult of the Dead Cow

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banking apps

Works in the browser for me

dating apps

Works in the browser for me


Newpipe or clipious

proprietary alarm


google maps

I've been using osmand for years across Canada, works fine for me

cute icon pack


To each their own, and use whatever tool you prefer, but moving away from google and proprietary software is a lot easier than people think.

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What does "here" refer to? You're on, your instance has never been a "leftist space" afaik.

Lemmy is software, not a "space". The network is ActivityPub, also not known for being "leftist".

Self-host an instance with no karma and no mods.

Liftoff is perfect.

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I've been using Graphene for years. Its great, no complaints.

Pretty sure Lemmy supports image hosting.

PostmarketOS on oneplus6 is nice. 👍

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I'd be happy to pay for video content/video hosting, but I'm not happy with any of my money going to youtube or google. Peertube is the future. 😎

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I think having 100M+ users as a goal is unsustainable and unrealistic. I'm quite happy with where we're at, and optimistic about where we're going. If growth in the fediverse continues, we'll be ok.

My feed on Mastodon already moves quicker than I could ever keep up with.

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This guy is hilarious!

Its not even software issues (I mean the software is still very early, but improving), the pinephone hardware is ridiculously underpowered while simultaneously drawing too much power.

The Pro fixes the underpowered issue, but gives you a couple hours of screen-on time. At first I was hopeful software updates would fix the battery life, but the same operating system (postmarketos) gives me a full day of use on my other phone (oneplus6). That leads me to believe it's largely a hardware issue.

I hope I'm wrong. \o/

I'm pretty sure beeper is against TOS if they're using the Matrix bridge I think they're using.

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Liberapay, 12$/year to any open source project I use. It isn't much, but its what I can afford.

Sounds like Time Commando.

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everybody except me is an idiot. I watched Sandra Bullock pretend to be in space and am therefore am expert. I am very smart.

So tempted to buy a domain and do this
