This website that threatens anyone who right clicks to Mildly – 979 points –

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Lol… I hope you didn’t sprain something with all those mental gymnastics. In the meantime, perhaps you should educate yourself a bit more on AI, LLV’s, and, perhaps, just a little bit on art.

Coming from someone who claimed stable diffusion was a composite image

OK, if you think what you just said made sense, then you either didn’t read the link you just posted or you clearly didn’t understand it. And you certainly have no clue what you’re talking about.

But you’re certainly helping to make my point for me

AI, unlike a human, cannot create unique works of art. it can old produce an algorithmically-derived malange of its source-data recomposited in novel forms

Find me a single sentence in that entire article that suggests AI art is composites of source data

You can't, because how it actually works is wildly different than how you want to believe it works.

The entire article explains that’s how it works. I’m sorry it’s just over your head.

Mhm, I'm sure that's why you couldn't find a single sentence about compositing images

DALL·E 2 uses a diffusion model conditioned on CLIP image embeddings, which, during inference, are generated from CLIP text embeddings by a prior model.

You're either projecting or being dishonest

Correction: you do not comprehend what you are cherry-picking. Your ignorance and failure to understand to not make you right.

If it's cherry-picked it should be easy to give me a single sentence, but apparently you can't lol

I already gave it to you in a single sentence:

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Even that was too difficult for you to understand.

"your evidence is cherry-picked but I refuse to provide any of my own, why aren't you just trusting me??" very convincing

You already provided the evidence in your link. It’s not my fault you don’t understand. Also, it’s not my job to educate you, nor to soothe your bruised ego.

I recommend some ice cream. Perhaps that will make you feel better.

And I provided evidence the article says something wildly different than what you want it to say, and all you have is "read it again until it says something else" lol

Also voting with two accounts is pathetic

No, you didn’t. All that you proved is that you didn’t understand what the link said. But that’s what I’ve been saying over and over.

Also voting with two accounts is pathetic

The fact that you’re so insecure that you think that’s what’s happening is what is pathetic, and so is the fact that you’ve been crying about this for two days.

Just sad.

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