Video [9:57] Project Bluefin: Quick desktop tour and updates! Homebrew, boxbuddy, and ptyxis! to – 45 points –
Project Bluefin: Quick desktop tour and updates! Homebrew, boxbuddy, and ptyxis!

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bluefin co-maintainer here. espanso is a hard one, we have an open issue on getting it to work because it'd be something awesome to include. We might end up needing to package it but haven't had a chance to look deeper into the issue.

You are an absolute king for this! I assumed it was too niche to have it included, but if you're willing to consider bundling espanso in the Bluefin image, I can look into trying to solve for this.

Yeah it's 2024, this stuff should just be built into the OS! I'm at kubecon so don't have time to look into it now but it'd be an awesome thing to have, we'd love the help!