0 Post – 206 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hello, tone-policing genocide-defender and/or carnist 👋

Instead of being mad about words, maybe you should think about why the words bother you more than the injustice they describe.

Have a day!

Lmao. Good.

Frutiger Aero, my beloved 🤩

+1 for Ploopy mice. I have the Ploopy Adept, and I'll never go back to another mouse. They mostly make trackballs, but they do have a "regular" mouse if trackballs aren't your thing.

The biggest problem with Ploopy is that they only seem to make mice for people with bigger hands, so if that's not you, you're kind of screwed :/

I have the ZSA Moonlander and Voyager keyboards. I like them a lot.

I also have the Ploopy Adept and Nano mice that also run QMK.

I bought all of them preassembled. I'd love to know what other brands are out there that sell preassembled peripherals that can run open firmware.

Seriously. I'm really into keyboards with QMK, but I buy prebuilt keyboards and mice that are capable of running it because if using QMK required me to solder something, I wouldn't be able to. Soldering is a skill that most people don't have.

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Still more efficient on resource utilization than animal agriculture. If you hate almond milk for that reason, you should want the dairy industry completely abolished.

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Is anyone else bothered (but not surprised) by the fact that Amazon/Twitch agreed to cover it up for him? Seems pretty wild that they should be off the hook for working to protect his image after doing predatory shit like this.

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They've been too busy doing god's work to get around to something like making an icon 🫡

But seriously: I think the icon looks nice 🙂

Okay, you gotta share the image files and how you applied the custom logo to your coreboot config.

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It's almost everything. You can play most games on Linux. You can't bolt-on the quality of life features that Valve has on Windows.

There's a reason most Steam Deck users don't install Windows on it, even though you can.

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The mistake is forking and hosting it on GitHub. If Haier sends GitHub a DMCA takedown notice, they will comply, and the forks will be deleted too. Use other hosting services for redundancy and keep a local copy.

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Actually, it's quite surprising and disappointing how most leftists (or ostensibly left-leaning people) correctly shape their political views around being anti-exploitation and pro-liberation, only to immediately become reactionaries when it comes to ending animal exploitation.

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FYI: There is a dark pattern in the mobile app where, if you toggle the opt-out buttons in order from top to bottom, one of them will enable themselves.


But it's easier to whinge like a reactionary at the people demanding an end to the systematic breeding into existence of animals for the sole purpose of exploiting and killing when ending that unfathomably cruel system gives me the ickies 😭

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The boss makes a dollar,

I make a dime,

That's why I poo on company time

Obligatory people getting mad at you for people suggesting you stop using software that is openly hostile toward you response.

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Silly question: what's the difference between the otf and ttf fonts?

Edit: thanks for the explainers!

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Yes to all of that, except for Plex. Use Jellyfin. It's open source, and most importantly, doesn't force authentication from proprietary servers that you can't control. When those auth servers go down, as they've been known to do, you can't stream your media from your own server (unless you want to disable auth, which is a joke).

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That has nothing to do with what's happening. Twitter can't be fucked to appoint a legal team to comply with Brazilian law, so they don't get to operate there. Simple as.

Fuck sites that do that.

Here you go:

Ukraine carried out one of the largest-ever drone attacks against Moscow on Wednesday, as Kyiv continues to launch counter-offensives on Russian soil.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said it destroyed 45 Ukrainian drones overnight, of which 11were over Moscow, according to a Google-translated update on Telegram.

“This is one of the largest attempts to attack Moscow with drones ever. We continue to monitor the situation,” Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said in a separate Google-translated Telegram post, after assessing the strikes resulted in “no damage or casualties at the site of the fall of the debris” in earlier updates reporting the offensives.

Some of the drones were neutralized over Podolsk, a nearby city south of Moscow, the official added. Citing Russian aviation watchdog Rosaviatsiya, state news agency Tass said in a Google-translated report that airports in the Moscow region resumed regular operations after restrictions were briefly introduced during the night.

CNBC has reached out to Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs for comment.

The done offensive took place just as Russian President Vladimir Putin carried out his first trip in 13 years to Chechnya to inspect local troops and volunteers prepared to participate in the war against Kyiv, according to a Google-translated Kremlin readout.

Ukraine weathered its own barrage of aerial attacks, with the country’s air force saying it destroyed 50 out of 69 Russian-launched drones overnight, in its latest Google-translated report.

CNBC could not independently verify either set of developments on the ground.

The tides of the Russia-Ukraine war, largely carried out through artillery and drone advances, changed earlier this month, when Ukraine pivoted into the counter-offensive with a surprise cross-border incursion on Russian territory.

In the more than two years since Russia’s February 2022 invasion, Kiyv has notched less frequent military attempts against the capital of Moscow, instead focusing its firepower on the airfields and oil facilities of the world’s second-largest oil exporter. The counter-offensive has also raised questions of a potential impact on flows through the Soviet-era Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline that deliveries gas from west Siberia through the Sudzha hub in the Kursk region, before crossing into Ukraine and flowing toward Slovakia.

The incursion has likewise further slimmed the odds of a diplomatic resolution to the conflict. Russia has previously conditioned its willingness to join the talks table on its ability to retain four Ukrainian territories it illegally annexed since its invasion. Kyiv has repeatedly said it will not concede territory.

Moscow is now unlikely to fall in the “negotiation trap” following Ukraine’s attack on the Kursk region, according to former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

“No more negotiations until the enemy is completely defeated!” he urged in a Google-translated Telegram post.

KDE is buttery smooth (165Hz, no stutters ever) for me and kwin is a much nicer compositor than mutter.

Servo cannot come soon enough. And yet... it's so far from being even close to ready for real usage.

It's lovely that Pelosi has more contempt for the anti-genocide protestors than the far-right extremist that broke into her house and beat her husband with a hammer.

What a wonderful world.

Based and correct.

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"I got mine. Fuck you."

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Remove it please. It's an obtrusive advertisement for Ground News.

It's incredibly annoying to see comments: 1, only to click the post to see an ad. It makes me less inclined to interact with Lemmy at all. It's the same kind of crap that ruined Reddit.

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I find these stupid bots to be a nuisance primarily because they make every Lemmy post appear to have comments, only to click them and see this worthless advertisement.

Many of us left Reddit because of advertisements. Why would we tolerate them here?

Also, religious indoctrination.

I hope if he has a red line for the SC, it's actually real and unlike the fake one that Israel totally didn't cross.

Pack that fucking court already.

Yep. He's bad on labor too. Walz and Beshear are much better on policy and are extremely likeable VP candidates.

The term "milk" is an old chemistry term referring to a "heterogeneous mixture of insoluble compounds". "Colloid" is the modern term. Think "milk of magnesia", which is used as an antacid. It is called a milk because the Mg(OH)2 doesn't dissolve and just forms a suspension. Almond milk is a suspension of ground up almond particles. Cow milk is a suspension of fat particles that won't dissolve. This is why milk is homogenized: because it wants to form a floating fat layer and water layer. That's unappealing so they fake making it look the same throughout. It is not a homogeneous solution. So anything you can mix up in water that doesn't dissolve and it stays suspended is "milk".

war between Israel and Palestine

Not a war. It's a genocide, and it's Israel that is perpetrating it.

Surviving the AIDS crisis, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, “conduct unbecoming” in the military, strung up on fence posts in Wyoming, public arrests, family disenfranchisement, discrimination in housing, marriage, legal rights...just getting started

Cool. And you'll get absolutely nowhere with reactionary sentiment like "fuck you, I got mine" as a part of your movement. The people that want to allow the genocide to continue are the same people actively working to take those rights away from LGBTQ+ people, and they're not gonna let up just because reactionary twats like you think it's okay. Not to mention the fact that the rest of the LGBTQ+ community doesn't even have all of the rights you mentioned, but that's none of your concern, I'm sure.

The fact is that rights movements and struggles for social justice will continue to largely ignore backward sentiment like yours, as it is necessary for the progress of all of the groups that struggle for them and your attitude toward people other than yourself would only lead to an erosion of those rights.

Russia is the country imposing the invasion in Ukraine. Russia is the only country that can stop doing the invasion.

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If someone could build a preconfigured image that has Phosh and basic phone apps, I would consider using this full time.

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While I generally agree with your skeptical attitude toward this, I think the fact that they were targeting Apple's Metal graphics API to built the most performant possible IDE makes sense. You can't just snap your fingers and have a Linux graphical stack start working with your software.

I think the reason they targeted macOS first is probably because many of the dev team uses Macs.

As a Linux user, I'll happily wait for software like this to get ported to native Linux APIs so we get performant text editors instead of more Electron crap.

From personal experience: if you're trying to dual-boot with Windows, I recommend using completely separate drives (rather than separate partitions). Windows is very shitty about overwriting your Linux boot partitions when it updates. Having a separate drive isn't fool-proof, but it helps.

I haven't needed Windows in >10 years though, so maybe it's not as shitty about that, but I recommend caution.

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Hello, fellow pirates.

Don't mind me and my new account. Please run this binary on your computer 🤡

I'm getting "Android Gingerbread on an HTC EVO" vibes, which is not a bad thing. It stands out, in a good way.

I remember a time when we all liked bobs and vagene.

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Are you sure you're not going to vote for Trump? People like you have such a strong urge to defend genocide that I'm certain you'd fit in very well with that crowd.

Maybe we should be doing something about the whole genocide thing if we really don't want a fascist to take power in the US. Maybe the blame should be placed on those enabling genocide instead of the people that are protesting against it.