Now i'm definitely cheering for Rulestein to – 512 points –

alt text: A "xit" from user @ChrpngBrd in which he responds to another "xit" from @BlueBoxDave that says "If Israel falls then America falls. It's that simple." @ChrpngBrd's response is a thumbs up emoji, and two stills from The Simpsons S02E19 "Lisa's Substitute." In which, the first image is Martin Prince putting up a poster saying "A vote for Bart is a vote for Anarchy!" and the second image is Bart Simpson putting up a poster that says "A vote for Bart is a vote for Anarchy!"


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You might want to read some history if you think that? Stalin, etc.

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, we know the spiel. Anyway, the US were built on the genocide of indigenous people, have you conveniently forgotten about that? Do they not count because they don't belong to your ethnic group?

I would argue that Europeans are mostly to blame for the genocide of the indigenous people in the Americas. Or can we not blame Europe because that does not fit your narrative?

European people's hands are soiled with blood, but they don't harp as much about manifest destiny. And they haven't fought a civil war over the rights to treat people like poverty.

yeah, and the ussr is a totally relevant state in our days lol

The Russians seem to think that at least

greatly depends on what russians you as, even if you mean it ironically. USSR citizens is basically their equivalent of USA's sovereign citizens.