Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent to – 1334 points –
Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent

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No one can afford a lawsuit that hacky.

Uh, reminder that these giant corporations don't shop for lawyers like you or I would have to, they're already on retainer. It would literally cost them nothing they're not already paying to sue someone (except their reputation, which they've already thrown away).

Right, but you're not talking about Glass Door. You're talking about another cooperation reacting to information on Glass Door. Most companies in the US are small businesses without the resources to go after people on websites in general, and if you're obfuscated your identity before posting on glassdoor, then you just double to tripled the price of the lawsuit in lawyer time filing motions to uncover your identity.

You're talking about another cooperation reacting to information on Glass Door.

by wanting to take legal action. They want to transfer liability from Glass Door to the individual. So yes, my point stands...