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Joined 9 months ago

Marilyn Manson led a charge to overthrow the government??

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Because it's not funny or relevant and is an attempt to join two things - satanic panic with legal culpability in social media platforms.

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My Bluetooth thermometer connects to my home assistant server and sends me notifications to my phone when I reach temp. It goovee app does it too, but now I'm off the cloud shit.

That's usually a monumental undertaking for sites that are majority database-driven like Glassdoor. Think multiple regional databases.

Oh I'm most certainly a radical, but I understand what that means because I got a college degree, and now engineer the internet.

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I actually responded to the wrong person and I apologize. I've actually heard the same thing about MM lately -- just washed-up and sad.

Right, but you're not talking about Glass Door. You're talking about another cooperation reacting to information on Glass Door. Most companies in the US are small businesses without the resources to go after people on websites in general, and if you're obfuscated your identity before posting on glassdoor, then you just double to tripled the price of the lawsuit in lawyer time filing motions to uncover your identity.

Mate, I never got the same homepage twice on my old reddit account. I dunno how you can claim that two people with identical subs would see the same page. That's just patently not true and hasn't been for years.

That's a lot of baseless suppositions you have there. Stuff you cannot possibly know - like how reddit content algos work.

No one can afford a lawsuit that hacky.

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But once you set it up you never have to switch anything ever again

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So triggered

Which plugs are you using? I was thinking of getting load detectors for my electrical box

This is an extremely childish way of looking at the world, IT infrastructure, social media content algorithms, and legal culpability.

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Home automation is so far beyond just "motion -> light".

I have profiles of profiles for different reactions based on time of day and different conditions. The only light that comes on no questions asked is the kitchen light and even that is dependent on the time of day -- IE at night it only turns on to 50%. You'd be amazed at how much you can simply with a few different conditionals and not much else. Highly implore you to head over to the Home Assistant page/wiki/forum/community/subreddit -- its a VAST community.

I miss my android notification LED so I just went ahead and built my own little LED box based on WLED and HA. The app on my phone sends the notification conditional to the HA server in my basement which then sends the signal to the WLED fixture over WIFI to change colors and patterns. When notifications go back to zero the pattern returns to normal. Did i mention the change over takes 30 seconds? No jarring vibrations, sounds, or signals. It's all just smooth and silent. I love it.

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Don't forget about Kern! He sure did!

You're just thinking so small. Program up a macro button if you want to flip a switch and have it do so much more. Put that button right where you want it. I'm building a headboard with an integrated his/her reading light and each side is going to be a momentary, backlight push button with varying intensity based on time of night.

Do you sniff your own farts often or just frequently?

Linux doesn't have Edge.

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