Judge rules YouTube, Facebook and Reddit must face lawsuits claiming they helped radicalize a mass shooter | CNN Business

btaf45@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 1004 points –
Judge rules YouTube, Facebook and Reddit must face lawsuits claiming they helped radicalize a mass shooter | CNN Business

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Because it's not funny or relevant and is an attempt to join two things - satanic panic with legal culpability in social media platforms.

Not relevant?

Metal music and videos games have been blamed for mass shootings before.

And this is neither of those things. This is something much more tangible, with actual science behind it.

Yes, that exactly is the point.

How people who supposedly care for children's safety are willing to ignore science and instead choose to hue and cry about bullshit stuff they perceive (or told by their favourite TV personality) as evil.

Have you got it now? Or should I explain it further?

Didn't expect Lemmy to have people who lack reading comprehension.