Mozilla Drops Onerep After CEO Admits to Running People-Search Networks to – 260 points –

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Yeah just an honest broker looking for the best product right? So much so that you weren't even willing to correctly parse the title of the article, and took it to mean the complete opposite of what it actually says.


What did I fail to understand? That Mozilla didn’t do their due diligence and went into business with this person and only dropped them after damage to their customers was already done?

Let me be clear for your simple mind: Mozilla would have caught this if they looked into their business partners, but they failed to do that. So they lost my trust.

looking for the best product

And the best browser right now is Arc, which just opened up their Windows Beta to the public.

What damage? You’re all over this thread asserting something that doesn’t seem to have happened.

And the best browser right now is Arc, which just opened up their Windows Beta to the public

Lol, you do realize that ending your comment with a plug for a different browser doesn't exactly make you look like an honest broker... Just a heads up for next time.