For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record

Sam to World – 1999 points –
For the fourth day in a row, Earth has broken or equalled its hottest average temperature record

The planet's average temperature hit 17.23 degrees Celsius on Thursday, surpassing the 17.18C record set on Tuesday and equalled on Wednesday.


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There's also a good example of exponential change described using a doubling drop of water in The Power of Compounding


It's doubling each step.

If course it's at 1/(2^n) of the final volume at n steps before the final step.

  • At half of its final volume one step before the end
  • a quarter of its final volume two steps before the end
  • an eighth of its final volume three steps before the end
  • a sixteenth of it's final volume four steps before the end

Mathematically it's obvious and straightforward but the point is that it's not intuitive from a typical person's subjective perspective. It's easy to underestimate or dismiss the rate of change until a situation becomes unmanageable.