1 Post – 113 Comments
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And rarely you get to see gems like this from the movie Sgt. Bilko (1996):

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I'd guess it's largely just a consequence of the Tragedy of the Commons. My favorite example demonstrating the effect I read in Meditations on Moloch:

The Fish Farming Story

As a thought experiment, let’s consider aquaculture (fish farming) in a lake. Imagine a lake with a thousand identical fish farms owned by a thousand competing companies. Each fish farm earns a profit of $1000/month. For a while, all is well.

But each fish farm produces waste, which fouls the water in the lake. Let’s say each fish farm produces enough pollution to lower productivity in the lake by $1/month.

A thousand fish farms produce enough waste to lower productivity by $1000/month, meaning none of the fish farms are making any money. Capitalism to the rescue: someone invents a complex filtering system that removes waste products. It costs $300/month to operate. All fish farms voluntarily install it, the pollution ends, and the fish farms are now making a profit of $700/month – still a respectable sum.

But one farmer (let’s call him Steve) gets tired of spending the money to operate his filter. Now one fish farm worth of waste is polluting the lake, lowering productivity by $1. Steve earns $999 profit, and everyone else earns $699 profit.

Everyone else sees Steve is much more profitable than they are, because he’s not spending the maintenance costs on his filter. They disconnect their filters too.

Once four hundred people disconnect their filters, Steve is earning $600/month – less than he would be if he and everyone else had kept their filters on! And the poor virtuous filter users are only making $300. Steve goes around to everyone, saying “Wait! We all need to make a voluntary pact to use filters! Otherwise, everyone’s productivity goes down.”

Everyone agrees with him, and they all sign the Filter Pact, except one person who is sort of a jerk. Let’s call him Mike. Now everyone is back using filters again, except Mike. Mike earns $999/month, and everyone else earns $699/month. Slowly, people start thinking they too should be getting big bucks like Mike, and disconnect their filter for $300 extra profit…

A self-interested person never has any incentive to use a filter. A self-interested person has some incentive to sign a pact to make everyone use a filter, but in many cases has a stronger incentive to wait for everyone else to sign such a pact but opt out himself. This can lead to an undesirable equilibrium in which no one will sign such a pact.

Until it's more profitable to do the right thing it's likely we'll continue doing nothing, if not outright exacerbating things, just so we can get ours before it's all gone.

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It's insane that "Brady lists" are considered the better remedy than just removing the offending officers from police work entirely (as well as charging them with some kind of perversion of duty).

Police officers who have been dishonest are sometimes referred to as "Brady cops". Because of the Brady ruling, prosecutors are required to notify defendants and their attorneys whenever a law enforcement official involved in their case has a confirmed record of knowingly lying in an official capacity. This requirement has been understood by lawyers and jurists as requiring prosecutors to maintain lists, known as Brady lists, of police officers who are not credible witnesses and whose involvement in a case undermines a prosecution's integrity.

We don't just make lists of doctors that intentionally harm their patients, arsonist firefighters, chefs that poison etc. -- they are barred from the profession once discovered. But cops (and priests) get to keep doing their thing and at most just get moved around.

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What am I missing that's mildly infuriating? If it's because it's shown backwards it would make sense to show the mounting hardware & location if the front side looks the same as the back.

This could have been a fun mashup but this execution just feels kinda wrong/gross overall to me.

  • Why are so many main characters not included (Hermes, Zoidberg, Nibbler etc.)? At least Bender is present as the flaming mass we all fondly remember from the film...
  • Was it really necessary to include perky nipples and a camel-toe on Amy?
  • The staff Professor Rhod is holding has what resembles a golden swastika in the only significant change from how it appears in the movie. And though the Professor is occasionally shown without teeth in the show is there a reason he doesn't have any here?
  • Why does that train have eyes?
  • Just a bizarre composition in general. Why include so much of the stone and vents around Amy, then make the openings between the slats just reveal the background image? If Leela was shifted over slightly left her fading tendrils and feet could have been cleanly hidden behind the Professor.
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There's a great (and short) video about encryption back-doors by CGP Grey: "Should all locks have keys? Phones, Castles, Encryption, and You." (Piped link).

"No matter how much we might wish it, there's no way to build a digital lock that only angels can open and demons cannot. Anyone saying otherwise is either ignorant of the mathematics or less of an angel than they appear."

EDIT: I still hate you Piped bot.

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I’m sorely tempted to start circulating claims about what Chauvin had in his system at the time.

Are we certain the wound was caused by a stabbing and not "Incarceration Delirium"? Or maybe it's a holy miracle stigmata!

Username Johnsoncentral, registered ~50 minutes ago, linking to the domain central24 -- pretty sure their intention isn't to inform but to drive traffic to their site.

  • Faulty carbon unit
  • PICNIC (Problem In Chair, Not In Computer) or PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair)
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I won't even pretend to have any insights what might be causing the psychological compulsion to constantly abandon and reacquire operating systems - but just from a technical perspective, do you need to completely reinstall the OS instead of just maintaining a multi-boot setup?

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For the third day in a row:
What is your connection to creditnews.com?


I mean, obviously it's not the same person since M.X.J. died in 2016 and this Micah Johnson is only 24 years old and not a reanimated exploded corpse (as far as I know).

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A Fediverse community for open-ended, thought provoking questions

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Because of their prices I'd basically given up on Taco Bell except for the value menu. But now every item that was $1 jumped to $1.5 (and everything else went up with it) so I'm cutting out Taco Bell completely. A few months back one of their limited time offers was $5 but when ordered à la carte was $12.47 -- that kinda revealed just how (unreasonably) skewed their profit margins must be.

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Nice visual! Minor correction for accuracy though, it's *Brett

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Because of all the bullshit with subsidies etc. intended for improving broadband infrastructure being abused, my dream is:

  • All the poles & lines (and access rights to them) are nationalized and then opened up for individual ISPs to service. Current ISP exclusivity contracts/agreements should be dissolved. Let them actually compete for customers with price, features and customer service.
  • The government should also offer tax-funded baseline connectivity to everyone since it's effectively impossible to live in modern society without internet access. The provided speeds must be sufficient for a typical bloated framework-script-heavy site, all (meta)data/packets should be considered constitutionally protected private info not able to be monitored/scraped/sold.
  • Use building out and supporting the above as a useful jobs program instead of more military adjacent stuff.
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There's also a good example of exponential change described using a doubling drop of water in The Power of Compounding

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The over-reliance on apps and the privacy/security implications that entails is a separate issue for me. I also don't have the Google Play Store (or the associated underlying services) that all the apps require to function on my phone (CalyxOS). Comcast was decertifying my ancient modem so I finally bought a new one. When I needed to swap the hardware id info over and called their support line all of their workflows now apparently rely on using their app. When I told them it was between them supplying me with a vanilla smartphone or me cancelling my service because I didn't own any devices that supported their app they were then magically able to just update some fields in their database and my modem was set-up with no mobile phones or apps involved. I've had a passion for technology my entire life but its current predatory and user hostile default state just makes me hate it.

EDIT: dbzer0 had nothing to do with this ban, it was done by a Lemmy.World admin.

I updated my post after another user stated that it wasn't lemmy.world admins that performed the ban but the db0 team that did. I can't say with certainty that's actually the case since the modlog is pretty opaque and I don't have full knowledge of how [federated] actions are propagated & displayed.

I (incorrectly?) assumed since those communities had existed for so long on the dbzer0 instance they had at least tacit approval from the admins there and were in communication with them enough that a full ban wouldn't occur -- when I saw the removal in the modlog I didn't even consider that possibility.

Sorry for kicking up drama here if the Lemmy.World team had no part in this :(

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What is your connection to creditnews.com?

The Pickens County Jail identifies the man as 24-year-old Micah Johnson

I thought that name seemed familiar, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers

Motive: Backlash to police brutality

Be a real shame for history to repeat itself.

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We wanted to announce that we will be attempting to upgrade Lemmy.World to version 0.19.3 on Saturday.

I don't regularly deal with converting between timezones but I'm unable to figure out whether this upgrade is happening on Saturday or Sunday. My calendar shows March 3rd as being Sunday.

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No hardware required, also not some new technique suddenly discovered:
How to Bump Fire an AR-15/M4
AK47 bump fire

I'll pay for the whole seat BUT ONLY NEED THE EDGE!

Are those reebok or nike

Edit: Removing the Piped link since the damn bot is going to reply even if I add it preemptively. Wish I didn't get unclearable notifications from bot replies when I have bots disabled in settings.

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Tesseract is one tool that can do it.

Can't speak for the veracity, but I've got two magnets with the following:


Average income = $1,601.00
Loaf of bread = $.08
Gallon of gas = $.10
Gallon of milk = $.45

New car = $625.00
New house = $5,972.00


Average income = $4,650.00
Loaf of bread = $.19
Gallon of gas = $.24
Gallon of milk = $1.01

New car = $2,155.00
New house = $11,975.00

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I agree with you in general, but for Stable Diffusion, "2.0/2.1" was not an incremental direct improvement on "1.5" but was trained and behaves differently. XL is not a simple upgrade from 2.0, and since they say this Turbo model doesn't produce as detailed images it would be more confusing to have SDXL 2.0 that is worse but faster than base SDXL, and then presumably when there's a more direct improvement to SDXL have that be called SDXL 3.0 (but really it's version 2) etc.

It's less like Windows 95->Windows 98 and more like DOS->Windows NT.

That's not to say it all couldn't have been better named. Personally, instead of 'XL' I'd rather they start including the base resolution and something to reference whether it uses a refiner model etc.

(Note: I use Stable Diffusion but am not involved with the AI/ML community and don't fully understand the tech -- I'm not trying to claim expert knowledge this is just my interpretation)

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Maybe if the US Army had cooperated it wouldn't have been so terrible! At least it provides a chance to see Phil Hartman.

Just wanted to say great job with this post! I like that you were quick to respond to questions/criticisms, updated the body with edits, and the huge thing of also updating the title and prominently calling out the right answer and the user that provided it.

Keep being awesome.

He literally had all his social media accounts in place, and a podium in the White House where he could literally stand up and say literally anything he wanted into the camera and it’d be broadcast, and he was still whining about censorship.

Clearly, conservative voices are being silenced. (clip is from Death to 2020)

Well said.

Principiis obsta et respice finem — 'Resist the beginnings' and 'Consider the end.'

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There's Simple English Wikipedia which uses basic English words and shorter sentences and tries to limit jargon use.

Random example:

Just a heads-up, this is another spam account pushing a garbage website.

Other accounts recently created that link to this site include:

Below is what I included on previous posts, they have since updated their website to "correct" the oversights but I'll include the old info. for reference.

The disclaimer on the website states [emphasis added]:

All the information on this website – https://infoterkiniviral.com – is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. infoterkiniviral.com does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website (detiknewsone.com), is strictly at your own risk. detiknewsone.com will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

Why the sudden switch in address names? Why is the contact us page just a gmail account and no additional info or even a generic web form? Unlike the other sections, the "about" page isn't in English at all.

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Mathematically it's obvious and straightforward but the point is that it's not intuitive from a typical person's subjective perspective. It's easy to underestimate or dismiss the rate of change until a situation becomes unmanageable.

In case you haven't already seen it yet there's The Password Game to drive this point home