Affinity is joining the Canva family to – 130 points –

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Also someone linked this old tweet


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Remembering the situation when Macromedia was bought bei Adobe – now I have the same vibes again. Five years later nothing was left except Flash – that horrible piece of software – and Dreamweaver – I liked that one. The best transition back then was from Freehand to Illustrator and (consequently from Quark) to InDesign.

And then in 2015 to Affinity. So ... 5 years with Corel, 12 years with Adobe/Macromedia, now 8 years with Affinity, so far ... let's see what they do and what we decide afterwards.

My first websites after hand coding were fine in Fireworks :'( I miss Macromedia stuff

Yeh. And Adobe were trying to compete with ImageReady. What a cluster that workflow was. Fireworks was great.